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Richie Tozier
17 years old
Lowkey gay but no one knows
In love with his best friend, Eddie Kaspbrak
Dark brown hair, big brown eyes

Eddie Kaspbrak
16 years old
Also lowkey gay but no one knows either
In love with Richie Tozier
Kinda small, brown hair, bright brown eyes

The two acted differently around the rest of their friends and when they're by themselves.

They acted completely normal around the losers club and alone they would just laugh and hug a lot, they didn't really think anything of them being together or even know if one another was gay.

Richie has really bad depression and anxiety

Eddie doesn't but when Eddie is around, Richie just forgets about all his problems whether it be at home, school, or anywhere, his Eddie makes life better than before, he knows Eddie will be there no matter what.

Eddie, was the smallest of the losers but Richie made him feel comfortable with his size. Eddie also has a really overprotective mother. She always fReAkS out no matter what. I mean I guess since his father isn't around, she feels like she needs to be. She doesn't need to worry and Eddie doesn't worry cause he has Richie.

And Richie has Eddie.

They have each other.

Even if they're only best friends.

Even if they become more.

Wattpad deleted all of my stories and it was very aggravating but now I'm back and better but now I'm beepwyatt and I like it more. SnowyGilinsky will always be a huge part of me and of course I wanna keep the name so please don't take it.

I'm here with a brand new fanfic after many months of deciding what I wanted to do. I was gonna continue my Hayes story but it got dElEtEd.

I ship reddie so hard so let's gO with this reddie fanfic!

I love you all still even if I was very inactive!

I hope you all enjoy

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