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I'm back. Sorry if it's taking so long, cause I need to update my Vhope book too! Anyway here you go!


Hoseok's POV

"Are you sure it's nothing important?" Jimin said one hundred times,"For lord of god, Jimin! It's nothing," I huffed.

"Anyway let's go, its already rang." I pulled him. We went to our separated class.

I sat down on the empty chair. I scanned around me, There's no Jungkook? Is he still in hospital? I shook my head, Ugh....Why am I still worried about him? He deserves it!


After lessons over, I met Jimin. We went to our dorm,"Hey Jimin I want to go out for minute," I said as I put my bag away.

"Where?" Jimin asked,"You don't want to eat dinner?"

"I will, later. Bye bye!" I went outside.

I walked down through the streets, trying finding place to relax. I looked around and saw an empty park. It looks old. Maybe it's abandoned park and it's closed too. Ok I'll make this my secret place!

I saw a bench and sat down. I rest myself while looking at the starts. The moon was closed by the clouds. Even though I want to see it. I shrugged it off and closed my eyes.

But my body feels burnt. I was panting and opened my eyes. I looked up in the sky and saw a full moon.

 I looked up in the sky and saw a full moon

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I squinted my eyes as I saw a moonlight. The moon was beautiful, but the burning sensation still won't leave.

I saw a transformation light around me. Am I gonna transformed to Min Jun again?! I started panicking. I saw that I completely transformed to a wolf. It feels like I'm a werewolf or something...

I walked slowly towards the moon and jumped to some kind of log.

I walked slowly towards the moon and jumped to some kind of log

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I looked up and snows starting to rain.

I looked up and snows starting to rain

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The snow touched my furs. Even though snows are cold, it's sure relaxing...

Wolf did that too right? The howling things....Maybe I should try it..!

I took a deep breath and howls,

*Cough!* *Cough!* *Cough--!* I stopped and panting, Wow that's sure lots of works

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*Cough!* *Cough!* *Cough--!* I stopped and panting, Wow that's sure lots of works....

Suddenly I heard a footsteps. I stayed caution and scanned around me. Maybe I should ran away....I growled when I heard the footsteps started to get louder,

I growled when I heard the footsteps started to get louder,

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After that a figure came out. I widened my eyes. The big black figure and it's purple eyes.

(I can't found black lion with Purple eyes everywhere! Mianhe *sorry

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(I can't found black lion with Purple eyes everywhere! Mianhe *sorry...)
(Just imagines, it's like this!)

There you go! Is this short? Sorry.....See u the next chapter~!

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