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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, wish I did but it's doesn't belong to me. 

Hermione POV. 

I pace up and down the room. Tears pour frustratingly down my face. My fist clenches and I could punch something, anything, but I don't because I am Hermione Granger. But I am not. Not any more. They lied to me. For many years I have lived obvious with no obligations with my foster parents. Yes I said it. I am adopted. And yet after they delivered the fate news the didn't say goodbye. They hurried off out, their last words 'they will be their soon' I suppose she ment my real parents. An another mum and dad. I mean, I suppose she didn't mean like a enemy..? I don't know what to think. Do I stay? Or do I go? Why? If they loved me that much why not keep me? Why send me away? Why come back when all the dirty work is done? I stop pacing and collapse in the armchair, my face in my hands. Maybe they knew I am a witch? Prehaps... 

*door knocks*

I take as long as possible walking to the door. My brain is working so fast with random possibility of 'What if'. You can practically see the cogs and gears turning in my brain. What if their mugged? What if I can't go back to hogwarts? What if it's all a messed up joke? 

I have reached the door and I can here muttering on the other side. A young... Man's voice and a older women. Maybe a women and her son? Oh no I can't do this. But I cannot stall anymore. I take deep breathes, I get this over with. 

I open the door the reveal a women dressed in royal blue witch robes with her hair tied up in a sequential bun. Her facial features are relaxed with a hint of a smile. I don't let her in I don't know who they are. 

'Hermione?' she utters a single word. She looks as if she's going to cry. Why now? Why after the world is over? 

I nod. Silence. Nothing happens. The women takes a deep breath and opens her mouth. 

'I am Melina and this is my son Blaise' the women steps aside revealing. Blaise. BLAISE ? BLAISE FRICKIN' ZABINI?!!! 

'Their has to be some sort of mistake, I am a... Muggle born.' I stutter. 

'Nonsense, you are one of us, a pureblood. You are to come with us now, everything should be explained at the family dinner tonight' The women says. 

No. No. No. I don't know them. People in fairy tales would be joyful for a reunion. But it's Zabini. I don't know them. An it's Zabini ! A family who worked with Voldemort to rid of people like me. And I am one of them? No I can't be. I need to prevent myself from going. Ideas? Luggage! 

'My bags aren't packed' I reply. Prehaps this may work? 

'Your à witch darling, but anyway I have them here' from nowhere a bag arrives and all my stuff is inside. How? 

I now have no choice but to go. Someone help me!! 

'Hold on to Blaise, we should go now' Melina Zabini says. I relentlessly put my hand on Balise arms and without warning are whooshed away. 


I am a bit disoriented from the landing and my eyes are blurry. The room is spinning and so I fall back where strong arms prevent me from falling. I don't squirm away. I don't know how it is and plus I would probably be screwed if I move. I wait until I am better and than look up to see who my savoir is. 

MALFOY ?? What? No. No. No. 

'You' I growl at him. Malfoy looks hurt than looks at Blaise for help. Balise shrugs. Malfoy takes a step back and Blaise offers a hand up. I take it without taking my eyes of MALFOY. 

'I will take you to your room than take away the glamor charm' Blaise gently tugs me to the stairs and so I follow him up. I don't bother taking note of anything the gears in my brain are only focused on one thing. Glamor charm? 

We walk into a nice decent size room and Blaise turns to me. 

'sorry for seeming harsh. Mum wants me to be professional and cool with you until she explains everything, but I don't like it' Blaise says. 

I utter a small smile. He's not so bad. 

'Glamor charm. Yes I know surprising, another thing mum should explain to dinner, she wants you to be well, You for dinner.' Blaise closes the door. 

I shake. What's going to happen? 

'It's okay sis, if I can call you that. It's just me' Blaise says and starts uttering words. 

I think of anything but what he is doing. I am the greatest witch I think myself to be but don't know about glamor charms. I think about Blaise, how he's being really kind. How nothing will go wrong now he's here... Right? 

My body starts to change andbit feels weird. My chest is enlarged so that it stretched against the shirt, my stomach flatter, my hair darker and I grow a little taller. 

I gasp shocked for words. 

'Welcome Hermione Zabini, no need to be embarrassed it's only me your brother, thought you may need to change' Balise opens the door waves goodbye and exits. I get changed into a blue tank too and black jeans. I am happy with my new figure. But I someone has explaining to do. Someone is going to answer my questions. And god damn I need to get rid of MALFOY. 

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