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Hermione pov 

What the hell is going on? I collapse on the bed distressed. New figure, new siblings and a new life. And MALFOY ! Could this get any worse? Doubt it. I quickly through on a shirt with seems to be the right size and a pair of jeans. A knock at the door retracts me from my thoughts. 

'Just a sec.. Blaise..?' I sound unsure. I am unsure. Ugh why can't things be simple. They never are. 

The door opens anyway revealing an awkward looking Draco Malfoy. Him?! What is he doing in my room? Did Blaise send him up? Has he just come to mock me? Because, by god, I got dirt on him too!!

'What you doing in my room?' I demand. I cross my arms. Malfoy doesn't reply. His eyes scan over me. Oh, I forgot about my new look. Thanks for reminding me. His eyes linger at my breasts. I roll my eyes. Boys. 

'My eyes are up here Malfoy' I say sharply. He looks up and has the decent to look sheepish. Wait... What? Malfoy, sheepish? Huh? I must be imagining things.. A little. 

'Uh.. Mrs Zabini sent me down' Malfoy hurriedly says, he goes to walk out but pauses. 'You look nice by the way' 

My jaw drops in shock. He gives me a trademark smirk 

... And walks off. 

Typical. Just what I need. A Malfoy. The slytherin prince. Meh, who gave him that name? That implies that he has girls and.... OH... Okay than. Got it. 

Shaking my head at my thoughts  I manage to locate the stairs and jump down in twos. I follow the sound of talking until it leads me to a large dining area. Everyone is sat at the table. As I walk in, Mrs Zabini, Mr Zabini, Blaise and Malfoy all turn to look. Silence. 

... Awkward. 

'Hi...' I stumble. I walk of to a seat which Blaise pats. 

'Honey, I wasn't sure you could find us... I sent Draco here up..' Mrs Zabini looks pointedly at Malfoy, 'but he came straight back down without you..' 

I resist the urge to snigger. 

'I know you must have loads of questions, but I... I... Am sorry for the fake life you were given. Please.. I hope you can forgive us...your whole life has been a lie..' Mrs Zabini says. 

Well duh. 

'I suppose it could of been worse, I knew I was a witch, and my friends, and school house an' al''

I am afraid I speak funny with an ice cube in my mouth. 

Blaise and his mum, who is supposedly my mum exchange looks. 

' What? ' I say. 

' uh... You were put in the wrong house.. ' Blaise says awkwardly. 

' Pardon? Come again?! ' What could they mean? This was clearly a mistake? 

'Sweetie.. It was so we could protect you from harm. We asked the sorting hat to put you in Griffindor, but as you now know who we are to you.. You may as well know..' Mrs Zabini says quietly. 

Um.. Hello ? I ain't telepathic! What's going on? This is some sort of messed up joke now? 

' Wha...? Stop dragging it out, explain' I demand. 

'You were ment to be in slytherin' 

Well shit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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