||Chapter 1||

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Let us begin with the story.
The story goes more babe! Wooo!

Narrates Walten

I have ran away from them, i think i made some sound, as i heard someone run behind me, probably that Tinky Winky, Shadow told me he still have traces of infection, and he may chase me if i approach too much, that he will kill me a-- ..... but, he said, Tinky Winky said, my name, that i'm his little Guardian Angel, i-i don't get it, i just, don't get it, if it was a lie, maybe, Shadow lied about everything, about our love, about the violation, about Tinky Winky's will to kill me, he was with a kid, a little and adorable kid, he wouldn't hurt anyone. I have to know what is happening anymore, but i also cannot be catched, i need to get Shadow to take me away.

"Hey! Come back!" - Tinky Winky shouted running after Walten, not recognizing him. 
"Shadow help!!!" - Walten shouted, and a Shadow stopped him and hid him from Tinky Winky.
"Tinky Winky, long time no see, hehehe" - Shadow said as he hid Walten.

"Who is that? WHO IS IT??!?!?!" - Tinky Winky shouted at Shadow that was infront of him. 

"Who is this, is none of your goddamn business, but i will protect them from you, you murderer." - Shadow said.
"W-what..." - Walten murmured under his nose. 
"Papa!" - Heci ran up to them, but stopped terrified when she seen Shadow.
"Oh, look at this, the daughter who was saved, the one responsible for your husband's death Tinky Winky" - Shadow said smiling. 
"NO! SHE WASN'T THE ONE WHO DID THAT! YOU KILLED HIM!!!!!" - Tinky Winky continued shouting at Shadow. 
"Mama saved me! Sacrificing his own life! And the last thing he told me is to live!" - Heci also started shouting in fury. Then she notices someone behind Shadow, she sees gray fur. - "Huh?"
"Oh little shit, interested in the person behind me i see." - said Shadow.

"I don't care! You killed my Mama! You!!!! YOU KILLED WALTEN!!!" - Heci was shouting more.
"W-what, he what....?" - Walten said. 
"Oh it's nothing honey, just these two lying, it's normal for them, trying to blame me for things i didn't did." - Shadow said. 
"Found yourself lover i see." - Tinky Winky said. - "What would happen, if i killed him, just like you killed Walten. HUH?!?! HOW WOULD YOU FEEL?!?!" - Tinky continued with shouting. 
"S-shadow i don't wanna die...." - Walten said.
"Don't worry Walty--" - Shadow shut up like fuck.
"W-w-walty?" - Tinky was in a lot of shock. 
"You know what, let's see if he recognizes you." - Shadow sad and pulled Walten infront of him.
"M-Mama..?" - Heci said with tears. 
"......" - Walten stayed quiet.
"Walten......? I-is that really you...?" - Tinky said holding his tears back.
".........................." - Walten didn't replied still. 
"Walten, do you recognize these two?" - Shadow asked smiling.

"No." - Walten said, Tinky and Heci stayed shocked. 
"Walten, it's me Tinky, your husband..." - Tinky Winky said sadly.
"I don't have a husband." - Walten said.
"Mama, do you recognize me..? It's me Heci, your daughter...." - Heci said.

"Neither i have a daughter." - Walten shifted with his black eyes that were filled with blood and black liquid around the two. - "I never seen you two in my life"
"B-but..." - Tinky cut his sentence and turned into SlendyTubbie - "What have you done to him you black fucker..?"
"I did nothing." - Shadow said smiling.
"You did nothing you say...? YOU FUCKING DID!!!!!" - Tinky started shouting again.
"What have you done to Mama!?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!" - Heci shouted at Shadow. 
"Wait here Walty, i will take care of this." - Shadow disappears and appeared behind Heci, holding her. 
"LET GO!!!" - Heci shouted trying to get out his grip.
"LEAVE HER A--" - Tinky stooped as Shadow pointed some tentacle things at him. 
"Hahahaha" - Shadow catched Heci by the neck and lifted her up.

"N-no... l-let.. g-go.." - Heci was weaker every second. 
"Shadow stop!" - Walten shouted - "You promised, you promised me you won't kill anyone, hold your promise then." - Walten said.
"I'm sorry Walty, i forgot" - Shadow let go off Heci drooping her on the ground. Walten quickly approached her and started shaking her gently.
"Hey, hey, are you alright there kid?" - Walten asked worried.
"....y-yes..." - Heci said and she was already crying. 

"Hm.." - Walten lifted Heci up his arms and then approached the place where Tinky was, but stopped in front of the tentacle things - "Make them disappear, Shadow."
"For your wish." - Shadow made them disappear, clearing Walten's way to Tinky Winky. Walten continued until he was infront of Tinky.
"This is yours right?" - Walten said showing him Heci.
"Y-yes... but also... yours..." - Tinky said.
"I said, i don't have a daughter." - Walten said, and before he could separate Heci, she hugged him tightly. - "..................." 
"Please, i know you don't want to believe us, but..... 'I can't continue protecting you anymore, but, Papa will, go and, live.'" - Heci had repeated the last words she heard from Walten before he died in the first place.
"I don't get it." - Walten said and passed Heci over to Tinky, Tinky took her. - "I'm sorry for Shadow, he is sometimes overprotective, or just overreact, your daughter is alright."
"She is also your daughter, Walten." - Tinky said.
"I already said, i don't have a daughter." - Walten said. 
"Maybe.." - Tinky pulled Walten's chin and kissed him then separated - "One day you will remember us again..."
"Don't kiss me without my permission." - Walten said as he turned back and started heading to Shadow.
"Hey, Walten!" - Tinky shouted after him.
"Hm?" - Walten stopped and turned around to him.
"Don't you recognize.." - Tinky took Walten's hat off Heci's head. - "This?" 
"......." - Walten stared a moment - "....." - he got terrible headache and some blurry memories.
"Let's go back home Walty." - Shadow teleported next to Walten and then took them back home. 

"Hehehe" - Tinky giggled.
"Why are you happy Papa? Mama doesn't remember us..." - Heci said.
"Maybe he doesn't remember us now, and believe in some lies but, he is starting to remember." - Tinky said smiling - "And one day. He will Learn the truth." 
"You're right Papa, Mama will remember us again. And he will come back to us" - Heci said happily.
"The most important thing is that, he is alive again" - Tinky couldn't hold the tears anymore.

Tinky Winky and Heci returned back to the tubbie house, they told everything to the others, they were surprised and also happy. The member of the family they thought was lost forever, came back to life, the fact the doesn't remember anything, it doesn't matter to them, what matters is that Walten is alive again. 

With Walten and Shadow

"Love do you need a cuddle or something?" - Shadow asked.
"No, i'm fine, i'll go to my room" - said Walten and left to his room, closed the doors behind him.  A memory was seen in Walten's head, the moment Tinky Winky confessed to him, during the tubbie massacre, and he accepted on the memory. - ".........." - Walten was too shocked to even speak anymore but - "I need to know what is the truth."


Aaaaa, take your second season. QwQ 
Yes i made the cover, i made it in 2 hours :> LICK LICK I'M AN ARTIST.

Yeah, i may make some drawings for my chapters sometime, but for now, enjoy the come back of WalTinky uwu

See ta soon! owo

[Rupublished, Cancelled] Learning The Truth || Tinky Winky x Walten || Season 2Where stories live. Discover now