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( No one's p.o.v.)

Ash, his partner Pikachu, and Ashley were on theit way to pallet town. Pikachu, for some reason was grumbling and walking on the ground, glaring at the two. Suddenly an idea came to him. When they reached Ash's house Pikachu ran to the lab without the two noticing. When the duo walked inside, instead of a bone crushing hug, they were met with deadly glares and silence.

Ash: Hey guys. What are you doing here?

Ashley:* thoughts * please don't be a betrayal.

Brock: Ash.....We need to talk.

Ash: What about?

Ashley:* thoughts * Oh Arceus no.

Misty: It's obvious Ketchum..... GIVE UP ON YOUR STUPID, FUCKING, DREAM!

Ashley: Soleon, sol, eon,eon.( aww man. Really? Of all freaking days? You chose today!)* she is a dark/ steel type form.*

Bonnie: Whaaa?!

Ash: What?!

Ashley: * shoots dark pulse* To the lab!

While running

Pikachu: Time to start my plan. ( uses thunder on Ashley)

Ashley: * faints*

At the lab

Charizard: Ash! Did they hurt you?! Did they attack you?! I swear when I get my hands on them, they'll be sorry!

Ash: Calm down buddy! Bonnie! Can you get the crate with my pokeballs?!

Bonnie: sure thing Ash!

Infernape: Where's Ashley and Sceptile? 

Charizard: I don't know about Ashley, but Sceptile wasn't here when Pikachu tried to make us betray Ash.

Ash: Ashley was just here. Did she change her mind about me?

 Hawlucha: Maybe. * thoughts * I hope not.

Bonnie: Ash! We need to go! NOW!

Ash: Okay!

After they left.

Ashley: Oww! What happened?

Sceptile:* tied to a chair* you tell me.

Pikachu:* snickering * You two are finally awake. You see....you two are officially tratiors.

Ashley/Sceptile: What do you mean?!

Pikachu: It was all part of my plan... you see, I was told Ash was going to get betrayed today. Thats why I suggested that we send the Kalos Pokemon over here. In hopes of when I came to the lab they would agree to betray Ash. When almost all of them got away* looks at Sceptile * I thunderbolted him. Then dragged him here. Then thunderded you and brought you here.So Ash is probably heartbroken that his beloved guardian Pokemon and one of his most loyal Pokemon betrayed him.

Ashley: You won't get away with this!

Pikachu: Oh, but haven't I? Your new trainers are going to be here soon. If I were you, ....I would say my goodbyes to each other.* walks away cackling *

Sceptile: How are we supposed to get away? 

Ashley:* crying* W-we can't.

Sceptile: Why not?

Ashley: Are you stupid?! 1. We are tied up, 2. We are wearing collars that won't let us leave, 3. What's the point?! They will just look for us and have Pikachu knock us out.

Sceptile: What are you talking about?!


Sceptile: I-I don't know what to say. 

Ashley: All I have to say to you is goodbye.* looks at him* Good luck with whoever your stuck with.

Sceptile: Yeah...you too.


Done! So I know people are starting to dislike or already hate betrayed stories....all I have to say is sorry. Also.... I am going to put a long distannce love triangle in this. Ashley x Hawlucha x Buizel. Don't judge me.

Pony out! Peace!✌✌✌

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