Chapter 2

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4 years later 

Ashley: * thoughts * All the days... I  miss them all. Sceptile, Ash, Bonnie, ....... especially those two.

Mamoswine: You okay Ashley. Mind if I sit here?

Ashley: Oh... hey Mamoswine. Not at all. I'm just thinking. How can you put up with her? And the 'SPECIAL TREATMENT '. Aka abuse.

Mamoswine: When your as sturdy of a pokemon like me... you can barely feel the pain.

Dawn: Stop slaking you two! I have an announcement to make!

Ashley:* cheerful fake smile* Oh goodie! Just what I need!

Piplup: Shut up!

Dawn: We are invited to the Masters league! So is Max!

Ashley:* thoughts * Wait... Max! That means so is Sceptile!! At least one of my friends will be their. Wait...does that also mean I have to stay away from Chesnaught? Dang it!

Bunerey: So when are we leaving?

Dawn: Now! To Kalos!

Mount Moon

Ash: 4's been 4 years since that day. 

Moonlight( shiny eevee): Yeah...I still don't believe that ' SHE'did that.

Buizel: Me neither.

Lucarrio: Neither can I. From what you told me she seemed great.

Riolus: Seemed is an understatement, was is the correct term. Jinx!

Hawlucha: But why... just why?

Ash: Guess we'll find out at the league. Go get Bonnie and the others Lucarrio.

Lucarrio: Whhhhhyyyyyyyy?!

Ash: Just do it! And because I said so!

Bonnie: Ash!! Are you ready to go Sweetie?

Hawlucha: Eww.

Buizel: Like you and wouldn't hope Ashley would do that.

Moonlight: Your still holding on to hope.... aren't you?

Hawlucha/Buizel: Yes.

Ash: I hope so too.

Later Kalos 

Dawn: Finally!

Piplup: Hooray!

Sawyer: Hello Kalos Region!

Ashley: You sound just like ' HIM' when he first got here. Just make sure not to- never mind.

Sawyer:* fell down the steps* Ow.

Clemont: Hey guys.

Pikachu: What up me peeps!

Ashley: I sooo regret teaching you how to talk like human.

Pikachu: Shut up you!

Alain: Wow.* walks over to Ashley*

Terino/Trevor/Shauna: * walk over to Ashley *

Sawyer: Anyone want something ?

Everyone standing next to Ashley: Yes and we'll come too.

Inside Pokemon center 

Ashley: Can I change now?

Everyone else: No.

Ashley: Anyone signing up for the Masters league?

Alain/ Sawyer: Yup.

Dawn: Come on you slacker of a pokemon!* drags Ashley by a control collar *

Ashley: What for?!

Dawn: Another slacker of a pokemon wants to see you.

Ashley: Fine....... got no choice anyway.

Max: You found her?

Dawn: Yup!

Max:* looks at a Sceptile * Hey! Stop slacking and come over here!

Sceptile: Okay, okay! I get i-! A-ashley?

Ashley: Hello my brother from another mother.

Sceptile: Same old Ashley.

Ashley: Are you okay? I mean there are 2 large scars on you.... one on the front and one on the back. They look like if you were to hit one.... it would start bleeding.

Sceptile: I'm fine.

Max:* talking to someone * I challenge you to a battle!

???: Okay.

Max: My name is Max... my nickname for the Leguege is " The Hoenn Champion ".

???: I go by my tournament name. " The broken and Betrayed Champion "

Dawn: That sure is a mouthful.... " The stunning performer "

Sceptile: Oh for the love of Arceus...

Ashley: Don't use my father's name like that.

Alain: " The Kalos Champ"

Sawyer:" The Hoenn Researcher "

Ashley: Will you battle? Or talk?

Max: Let's battle. 2 vs. 2.

Ash( I'm just gonna put Ash from now on): Okay. Moonlight I choose you!

Ashley: What a familiar name.....

Sceptile: I know right?

Max: Gallade! Let's battle!! Gallade use-

Ash: Moonlight use shadow ball!

Gallade fainted

Max: Okay...... Sceptile!

Sceptile: Why me?!* playing Slap Jack with Ashley *

Max: Just do it!

Ashley:* speaking in poke tounge* I really, REALLY hate Max right now!

Sceptile: Tell me about it....


Sceptile: Nothing..... I hate my life.....

Ashley: Good luck! YOU'LL NEED IT!

Sceptile: You're telling me....

Max: Use-

Ash: Use tackle!

Sceptile:* faints*

Ashley:* mutters * Either he did that on purpose.... or this is a strong trainer.... probably both.

Max: * mutters * He just got lucky.......

Ashley:* facepalm * You got to be kidding..... * mutters* The things I wish I could do to these traitors to go back to Ash.....

Dawn: Come on.... the tournament is about to start.

Max: Yeah yeah.... whatever. Next time you won't be so lucky!

Traitors:* walk away*

Ashley: They look awfully familiar....

Moonlight:* whispers * Do you think she knows?

Ash: Nah.....

Dawn:* grabs Ashley* Come on!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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