The Girl With Red Eyes

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    "No! Go away!" Chara cried, and glanced forward just as she tripped in the snow and fell flat on her face. "-oof!"


    She quickly looked up towards the sleepy, deep new voice, but all she saw was a patrol station. Her parents had told her about patrol stations, before. But she had never seen one in real life. Perhaps this one talked? How else would've she heard a voice?

    Chara silently stood up, brushing herself off. Then she glanced around, wiping her nose with her bright green sleeve. She then decided to investigate the voice.

    Fortunately, Asriel hadn't followed she had nothing to lose as she approached the wooden structure and bent over its counter. Her eyes widened; a skeleton seemed to be sleeping in the station's seat.

    The girl frowned to herself and took a deep breath. She was happy that her fall didn't wake the stranger.

    Chara turned and quietly tip-toed away, in the opposite direction from where she came. Whew, that was a close one!

    Then she heard an abrupt snort and some drowsy muttering, and she thought the monster was shifting about in his sleep. She stood very still, hoping he wasn't waking up. She didn't need more complications.

    It was very calm for a moment, then Chara heard the voice again. Whoops.

    "...heh." It chuckled, and she looked behind her. He was sitting up, watching her with an amused grin.

    "Didn't think I'd actually run into one of your kind on the job. You're a human, right? Pfft...that's hilarious. First day, too." The guy stood up with a yawn, awkwardly rubbing the back of his skull, and casually walked over to her.

    "Who are you?" she softly questioned, tilting her head in curiosity. He sure didn't seem to be the Patrol type, but maybe that was because he just woke up.

    "Oh, uh. Guess it'd be rude not to tell ya." He extended his hand with a friendly smirk. "The name's Sans; Sans the skeleton. And you are?"

    She hesitated, then accepted his hand and shook it. It was warm, surprisingly...she wasn't expecting that.

    "Chara Dre-" she stopped short, eyeing him. She wasn't sure if this weirdo was in kahoots with her parents, and she didn't want him to tell them where she was. "...Chara."

    "Chara, eh?" He withdrew his hand and inserted it back into his pocket. "How'd ya find the Underground?"

    "I fell."

    "Ok," Sans replied, looking her in the eye. "How old are you, if ya don't mind me asking?"

    "Hm?" Chara looked down meekly. "I...I don't know. It's been so long since I've celebrated my birthday," she whispered, wringing her hands.

    Sans raised his lack of eyebrow. "...whaddaya mean, buddy? Have you been down here long?"

    Oh, great... This was getting too close for comfort. She glanced around, looking for a way out of the situation. That's when she saw another figure across the way, in another clearing. Was that...another skeleton? Geez, how many skellies were down here?

    "Who's that?" She pointed to the being, hoping Sans would forget about the topic.

   Just as she wanted, he got distracted. "Oh, heheh...that's my bro, Papyrus. Actually...I wonder what he's doing all the way over here; he's supposed to be closer to the border between Snowdin and Waterfall..." He adjusted his jacket, his puzzled expression reminding Chara of Uncle Gaster.

    Dr. W.D. Gaster was a close friend of her father, who was the king, and asked Chara to call him 'Uncle Gaster'. And now that she thought about it, Gaster was also a skeleton. He was the royal scientist, handpicked by her dad to lead the other scientists during a very important experiment. Annoyingly, her father refused to tell her what the project was.

    "Brother!" Papyrus called, arriving to the clearing they were in. "I know how lazy you are, so I decided to come and check on your progress! Nyeh!"

    Chara's eyes widened once again, and she hid behind Sans. Papyrus seemed like the type of Patrol that would capture someone like her.

    "Progress, eh? Heh..." Sans reached back and coaxed Chara out, smirking. "How's this for progress, bro?"

    Chara's eyes widened, and she hugged her arms to herself. "Hello..."

    Papyrus gasped, stepping back. "A...a human?!?!" he cried, his right eye glowing a subtle orange.

    "Now wait a minute, Paps... You don't plan on killing the kid, do ya? I mean, she's just a teenager." Sans motioned to her, frowning at his brother. "You do realize that'd be unprovoked murder, right?"

    "Killing her, a teen--" Pappy scoffed, scowling. "See here, brother! She could kill us, for all we know! But..." he trailed off, his expression softening.


    "I...I don't want to. We should leave that to the other sentries...yes, the other sentries can do it! Nyeh heh heh!" laughed Pap, his orange glow fading. "Isn't that a great plan, Sans?"

    "Heh...sure thing, bro. So...ya wanna meet her or what?"

    Papyrus eyed Chara, his smile wavering. "What is her name? I bet it's something like Spidery or Tott, because she's so small and dangerous!"

    Chara looked up at Sans for help, who didn't seem to notice. She then stepped forward, taking a deep breath. "My name is Chara. You're Papyrus?" She offered her hand meekly.

    Pappy nodded, accepting it. They shook. "Of course, human! Everyone knows the Great Papyrus!" He withdrew his own skeletal hand.


    ((Chapter 2 last updated on 3/30/19! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2019 ⏰

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