Chapter 12

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Austin's POV

I walked out of the stall 5 minutes later with an uncomfortable pain in my body(particularly in the..... crotch area)

I walked towards Luke who was holding Emma's hand

"Hey , What took you so long?"

I rolled my eyes towards Skyler and he quickly comprehended what I was saying

Luke was the only one who knows what my brothers treat me like and truth be said ...

He's the only one I feel comfortable telling


A few minutes later Magnus arrived in his car 

"Finally , What the He-...., I mean what took you so long?"

I asked just realizing that emma was still here

"well little bro, There's a thing called "After school classes", You know... about studying etc......, So naturally you won't understand them"

He said clapping his hand on my shoulder

"yeh , After school classes my ass, more like smoking a joint"

I muttered under my breath so only Luke could hear it

We got in the car and reached within a few minutes , Luke walked to his home while I walked towards mine 

As I walked I yelled

"Hey Lu, don't for get some games and all that shit!!"

"Sure man!"

He yelled back


It was already 7 and Lu,Ry and I were waiting for JoJo and Chris

"Guys have you thought 'bout  what we're gonna do"

"Well I thought we could just play on the PS4 and Xbox"

"Yeh me too"

said Luke and Rydel

"Yeh sure why not"


Half an hour lates JoJo and Chris were with us as well

We were in the gaming room

Lu and I were having a match of fortnight

and Chris , Ry and JoJo were trying the new virtual reality headset I had got


After an hour and a half of playing electronic games and stuffing ourselves with Doritos , Lays , Kitkats,Skittles etc we got really bored

"Guys this is boring what d'you wanna do?"

Asked Jojo

"Well It's obvious isn't it "

asked Chris

"We should ... more"

asked Lu uncertainly

"No you dumbass, Lets play truth or dare"


we all asked incredulously 

"Well we want a little spice don't let's play the "adult version" of events"


I said uncertainly 

We sat in a circle and Chris said

"Give me a bottle"

I got the bottle and gave it to chris

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