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Beam - quiet, shy, doesn't talk much unless its to Kit and Pha (and sometimes Yo and Ming) overall a very sweet and kind person unless he's around Forth then he's just a huge ball of sass.

Forth - loud, crazy, possessive, gang leader of one of the biggest gangs in Thailand at the moment, is obsessed with Beam and would do anything for the quiet boy who seems to hate him but Forth knows he's just doing that to hide his real feelings for the older.


Beam: 21 - 2nd year of college Med student going into general practice at the local hospital, very sassy around Forth cause he's too scared to admit that he loves him.

Forth: 24 - 4th year student in college majoring in engineering, 3rd generation gang leader of one of the biggest gangs in Thailand, is obsessed with a small little Dr. by the name of Beam but he's too scared beam will reject him so he keeps teasing him and "bulling" him.

Pha: 26 - an Dr. at a hospital just outside of the city takes care of his "baby" Wayo because his parents kicked him out after finding out he was dating Pha, happily engaged to said "baby" and they plan on getting married after Yo graduates (in 2 years).

Wayo (yo): 20 -  2nd year science major lives with Pha due to family issues, happily engaged to him but not getting married till after school.

Ming & Kit:
Ming is 25 and Kit is 24 both graduated earlier in the year and are married. Kit is a nurse (Pha's assistant) and Ming is an Engineer

Other characters: 

Lam 22  - Forth's little brother  

 Kong 23 - Forth's best friend (dating Artit) 

Artit 25 - Forth's assistant (dating Kong)

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