To Sleep or Not To Sleep

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To sleep or not to sleep – that is the question:

Whether 'tis better to finish my paper

Which half of my grade certainly depends on,

Or sleep for my other impending test,

And, by doing so accept my horrid fate?To work; to accomplish–

No more- and by sleep mean I end the thousand

The failure and the thousand natural frustrations

That all cursed final papers are heir to! 'tis a consummation

Devoutly wished for. To work, to accomplish-

To accomplish; perchance to succeed Ay, there's the rub,

For if I forget my studies, twice I'm doomed!

If only I had prepared more thoroughly!

When I could have shuffled off laziness

And by force of will completed these pages

Which do so greatly haunt me before I sleep!

Must give me pause, there's the respect

That makes horrid torture of high school life;

For who would bear the whips and scorns of F's,

Th' teacher's disappointed arching brow,

The pains of lost weekend nights, parties, outings,

The most constant lack of rest and lack of food,

That patient merit of th' unworthy takes,

When he, himself might live his life most fully,

Who would burdens bear, to live a weary life,

But for dread of constant unemployment!

Were it not for the desire of comfort,

The habit to put things off another day.

Such a desire makes us willing to stall,

To enjoy the many comforts we have now,

Thus distraction does make slackers of us all.

And who could tame our hunger for comfort!

But soft now! I need to decide my fate!

What's this?! The dread morning sun begins to rise!

Folly has stolen both my sleep and work time!

'Tis too much to bear to suffer lost time

For a few fleeting lines of fancy verses!

Morning sun, be all my sins remembered!

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