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(smashes through the wall) BODY ONCE TOLD ME THE WORLD WAS GONNA-
Ashlie: why is there a hole in the floor, fur...
I'm helping UF!Cory escape by digging a hole out of here
Ashlie: there's a front door for a reason!!
Uni: (shouts down the stairs) BREADSTICKS?!

I told you guys not to give him breadsticks!!

UF!Cory: what the hell happened to you? and... why do you look like me...?

EDory: Well... you see... *runs*

UF!Cory: HEY GET THE FUCK BACK HERE!! *chases EDory*

OK!! A DARE FROM RussiaAmaya !!*continues running* UF!CORY, IS NOW A GIRL FOR... I THINK IT WAS 2 CHAPTERS!! *hides under table* fuck me gently with a chainsaw...

Dashlie: *grabs a chainsaw and appears out of nowhere* Gladly!

THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!*Runs again*

uni: *looks at UF!Cory and blushes* so, um... cory...

UF!Cory: *sighs* what is it uni..?

Uni and flowey: you look really cute

Ashlie: *holds hands up to mouth* ooooooooohh... the shipper is being shipped-

Nick: *blushing as well, but still throws a hardback book at Ashlie* SHUT UP ASHLIE

Tommy: *pat's cory's head* aaw is poor carl flustered?

UF!Cory: HAH! look in the mirror dipwad!

Tommy: *blushes even more* CRIPES SHE FOUND MY WEAKNESS!! *runs around the house crazily*

Dawn: *sips tea calmly*

Dashlie: *comes back covered in blood*

Dawn: where's Dory?

Jon: yeah, I haven't seen him for a while...

Dashlie: Dory is stuck doing some... *Dory's body is in visible sight* stuff...

*spoopy ghost**Smacks dashlie upside the head* I was waiting for carl to do it!

Jon: this place is weird-

Dawn: does time even exist here?

*holds hands to Jon and dawn's mouths* hush children...


*turns back alive and shoves a hot pepper into cory's mouth* shut it camera face!!

Cory: *face drains from all color but turns red*

Uni: you ok bud?

*shoves pepper into everyone else's mouth's, including his* IT BEGINS-

2 minutes later

*throwing up in the bathroom upstairs*

Jon and Ashlie: *Crying*

Cory, Uni, and flowey: *Acting like everything's okay*

Nick, Tommy, and Dashlie: *probably dead*

*miraculously heals* Ok Cory, here you go

Cory: *Turns back to normal, but still a girl* Finally! ... DAMN IT!!

Ashlie: well then this concludes our book of ask and dare if you liked it: please vote and comment another dare or ask if you want! Talk to y'all soon bye!

Uni: wait! Cory are you gay?

Cory: NO!

*tackles Cory* LIARRRR!!!

Both: *on the floor* ow-

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