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That's it I was done. She was avoiding me because what something we both knew about but we're too scared to confront ourselves about. When I saw her in the hall walking with her friends I walked over casually picking her up over my shoulder. She let out a little eep that was a little too loud. People looked over and laughed but I just kept walking, I walked us out to my car in the parking lot and plopped her in. I got in a drive us home, she just sat there silently starring at her knees. When I got to my place I was lucky my parents wouldn't be home for the next few days and I carried her inside.
Ash was scaring me, he couldn't be wanting to force me into it could he? No way in hell would he-
"Why?" He asked suddenly starring at me, his ears down showing he was not happy but not mad.
"I....I..." I couldn't even answer him.
"You're avoiding me and it hurts. I..." He stoped taking a deep breath in.
" I do so please just-"
"SHUT UP!" I blocked my ears, I didn't want to hear it I couldn't. This idiot, this handsome, strong, funny idiot can't be the guy I love! He's my best friend not my lover!
"NO! I love you and that's that! I know you most likely hate me but I don't care! Yesterday you nearly got run over how do you expect me to care for you when you run away!!!" He fell... he fell to his knees. This was the first time I had seen him so weak... I couldn't do this anymore.
"I love you..." I whispered.
He looked up.
It can't be....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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