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"Tory, hurry up! You take damn near forever to get ready."

"Dude chill will you, it's the beginning of the new semester; not the end of the world. Well get to school in plenty of time."

"I know I just really want to see who I got in my classes. You know how I am, sooorry I have a.d.d."

"Don't forget a.d.h.d ."

I frowned at this, did she seriously not see how freaked I was. I was so scared to start another semester at Whitman High School, home of the fierce Gray Wolves. Our mascot wasn't super creative because of where we live. Our school is in the glorious mountains of Montana, with its famous starry skies. I have to tell you something they can only be seen to understand how truly beautiful they are. I have traveled quite a bit and there is no other place I have seen with something so majestic. But back to our conversation...

"You know what, hahaha get a ride from someone who wants to be there when you want to be there, because since I'm the one with the car, I call the shots on when we leave darling."

"Ok fine fine, you win, let's go, and see who we have in our classes."

"Good vámonos!" She stoped for a moment and looked at me.

"What? You don't like my awesome Spanish skills, watching Dora really did pay off." We laughed at this and headed to my car.

We reached the school and I became really nervous, the one thing I hate most and I'm headed right for it. One thing I should have mentioned about my school was its huge! It is one of the biggest schools in the whole Northern part of the U.S. Holding over 3,500 students, mostly foreign exchange students I should point out.

"Ok everything is going to be ok Alex, you need to chill. Ya you hate school but who doesn't. just get over it. plus......."

I look over to see why Tory suddenly stopped and her eyes have gone big. I look at what shes starring at and my eyes trail to the hottest man candy I have ever seen.

"Ehhh, I think we should walk the other way, man candy to early in the morning will give you a stomachache."

I started to lead her in the other direction. You see Tory doesn't have a huge problem with boys, but this wasn't just any boy. You could see right away that just the look of him spelt TROUBLE! Not like bad boy trouble, more like ill sleep with you than break your heart trouble. So to save her and me a lot of sadness and money spent on tissue boxes I yanked her into the main sitting area of the school.

"Who, who, who was that!! He was gorgeous! Totally new, you could tell, but who cares he was gorgeous!"

"Tory no. listen to me, he is not to be chased after! Ok. He will help you in no way. Do not get sucked into his charm or compliments."

She turned her head back around trying to steal another glance. So I grabbed her face. "Have some self restraint woman! Come on lets go find Parker and Lou-Anne. And get you away for his own safety. I have a feeling that if I let you, you would attack him like a monkey to a banana."

"id be his banana."

I hit her over the head. "NO! Bad girl. Let's go."

We went to our usual spot near the stairs where there were a few tables and benches. Lou- Anne was there with a few of her friends and Parker sitting with his earphones in obviously drowning out the girl talk that was surrounding him. He didn't see me walk up, so I came up behind him and pulled out his ear phones and put my hands over his eyes.

"Hmm, I wonder who it could be... Gina, Tory.... Or maybe" he grabbed hold of my hands and before I knew what happened I was suddenly in his lap. "Or maybe it could just be little Alex."

"Little? Who you calling little?" His face turned into a huge smile making me smile. The thing is I've kind of had a crush on Parker for about a year off and on again, always in the back of my mind. I have never told him because he always made it seem like he only loved me like a brother would love his sister. And it doesn't help that he always has a girlfriend.

But he's always there for me and flirting ruthlessly for the fun of it. We have each other's back when things get sour with our boyfriends or girlfriends. And I don't want to ruin it by making it awkward or just become another girl that was the flavor of the week.

"You heard me. I have to give you some credit though since you've grown. How tall are you now 5'4? How you holding up the first day back?"

"I was just forgetting about it, but thank you for bring back the worries and 5'6 thank-ya-very-much."

"I could fix that if you wanted."

"What do you mean? Like get rid of my worries? Ohh do tell your secret master yoda."

"ok close your eye" he instructed, "Now lift your arms up over my head, and breath in." I felt his hands slide down my arms and when they got to my shoulder they stopped. Than.....

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, parker haha... STOP! Your making me laugh hahahaha..." I jumped and swirmed in his lap. That damn boy always has to get

me laughing. The only problem with that is that Parker is ticklish to.

"Alex... No.... ok hahahahah you win this one. But the important part is, do you feel worried anymore?"

I thought about it for and a second and realized, I wasn't.

"Wow, I'm not anymore. Good trick." I tried getting off his lap, thinking that people were starting to stare. Parker and I have always been accused of having a big thing for one another.

But the only problem with that was that I was the one with the crush, not the both of us.


I saw them laughing and having a good time. Nothing unusual. But I could see the strain in Alex's face. She liked him, and didn't have a clue; Parker has always liked her. Never told her, thinking that it was just plain wrong to see one of your closest friends as one of those girls you dated. Parker grew up with 4 older brothers. They taught him to see girls for only one reason and then discard them after a week. He didn't want to discard her. So instead, he strung her along in his up and down cycle of girls and never letting a single boy in our giant school get close to her. The selfish goof.

He had once told me that, "Alex is too hot for her own good, and with hotness comes responsibility. I'm trying to save her from having that responsibility. By keeping those pervert guys away, I'll keep her heart safe."

The only problem with that was who was keeping her heart safe from him?

*******ok so i wrote this one day and i don't know if i want to continue. give me some feed back and let me know if its original or that everyone is doing something like this. ok?? thanks for reading**************

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