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"WHAT'CHU MEAN IT'S GON' be hard to get him to let you leave? You're a grown ass woman!" Erik asked as Nyssa stood, opening her dresser drawer to change out of her battle uniform

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"WHAT'CHU MEAN IT'S GON' be hard to get him to let you leave? You're a grown ass woman!" Erik asked as Nyssa stood, opening her dresser drawer to change out of her battle uniform. "Things work differently here, Erik. He's not just going to let me go. He'd probably make me prove something to him first" She replied. "Like what?" He asked. "I don't know. But I do know I've never seen anyone leave here. Alive at least" Nyssa said. She placed her blades back in their black, wooden box that had her initials engraved.

"Well, we'll try, Nys. I need you by my side" Erik said. "I know, I'll figure something out" She said. Nyssa began to take off her black jacket that was part of her uniform, leaving her in a long sleeve shirt. As she folded it up, she heard Erik stand and the sound of fabric rustling. She assumed he was also changing for bed. Nyssa bent over, placing the jacket in the bottom drawer with her blades that she kept locked 24/7. When she stood, she looked in the mirror, her eyes settling Erik's reflection. With his back turned to her, he pulled off his grey t-shirt, revealing a series of scars.

Nyssa turned, looking at her husband. She took a few steps forward, placing her hand on his back causing him to turn around. He watched as she rubbed her hands over the bumps, amazed. Nyssa recognized the tactic to be crocodile scarring. It was a ritual, a right of passage. "What do they mean?" She questioned. "One for each person I've killed" He says. There was a moment of silence, Erik visibly sighing. "You must think I'm a monster" He said. Nyssa shook her head, almost laughing. She swiftly pulled her braids into a bun before pulling off her shirt and turning. She had an undercut that was filled with small, black Chinese characters covering from the back of her head down to her spine. Each was a horizontal line, signifying a kill.

"You're not a monster, Erik. Neither am I. You killed in wars, I killed people who deserved it." She said. Erik looked at the tattoos. The area was almost completely filled, spreading onto her shoulders in the shape of a T. Once it was, they would start to cover her entire back. He rubbed his thumb over her shoulder before kissing her neck. Nyssa turned to him and connected their lips. After minutes of trying to unhook her bra, he became frustrated and ripped it off of her, throwing it to the ground.
She erupted with laughter as he picked her up and laid her on the bed.

By the time they were finished, the sun had gone completely down and it was dark out, candles lighting the room. She laid on his chest, sheets covering their bare bodies. Erik's hand trailed up and down her spine, occasionally teaching her hair. "How's your hearing?" He asked. Nyssa sighed. She knew he was going to eventually ask, but she was hoping by the time he came for her she would have solved the problem. "Nearing 60% loss. My father was helping a lot through training. He use to make me do pretty much everything blindfolded so I wouldn't just rely on sight. These days, I can feel a person coming from miles away" She said. "I promise you when we get to Wakanda, I'll fix it. With the tools they have there, I can fix anything" He said, proudly.

Nyssa smiled, raising her head to kiss him. "I know you will" She said, drifting off to sleep. "With you by my side, I can fix anything" Was the last thing she heard before she reached a state of unconsciousness. And for the first time in a long time, she dreamed. She and Erik were back in the apartment, it was the day he left for the SEALS. His head was shaved as it was before and his bags still sat by the door. His mouth was moving but there were no words coming out. Was she completely deaf? Or maybe she just didn't want to hear what he had to say. She couldn't go through that heartbreak again.

Nyssa woke up with a gasp, sitting up. The silk sheets stuck to her body from the sweat. The spot next to her was empty. Erik's head snapped towards her from by the window. "You ok?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just had a weird dream" She said, climbing out of the bed and grabbing her bra off the floor. As Nyssa walked to her dresser to get new clothes, she limped, slightly sore from the previous night. She groaned loudly and rolled her eyes, Erik erupting in laughter. "Don't be mad I blew your back out last night!" He laughed.

"Bye!" She said, mushing him though they were no where near each other. Nyssa put on her uniform and boots before placing her blades on her back. Erik got dressed as well and followed her to the door where she slid on her gloves. "Alright, no jokes, Erik. My father is not one to mess with" Nyssa was almost shaking. She was so nervous. If this didn't go the way she planned, she didn't know what was going to happen. "I got this, girl" Erik brushed her off, causing her to side eye him, "I swear!".

Nyssa looked at him one more time before putting on her mask. "What's up with the Darth Vader shit?" He asked quietly as she opened the door. She hit him in the rib causing him to cough. Nyssa then held her head high walked around the corner then down the long corridor. Many soldiers passed by the them, nodding their head at the woman as a sign of respect. Erik could tell they feared her. She was a woman in power and he adored her.

They walked into the room where Ra's stood with her sister and four other league members. "Nyssa, who's this man you've brought before me?" He asked. She pulled off the mask, handing it to one of the soldiers near by. "Father, this is my husband. He just returned from Afghanistan and he came back for me. I need to leave with him" Nyssa's voice shook. "And go where?" He asked. "Wakanda" She answered. Ra's raised an eyebrow, looking at his daughter, truly surprised. His gaze then shifted Erik.

"What is your name, son?" Ra's asked. "Erik, sir" He stood, back straight, head up. "Erik... would you die for my daughter?" He asked. "Without hesitation" Erik replied, making Nyssa blush. "That's an easy question to answer. But would you live for her?" Her father asked. Erik was confused but answered strongly, "Yes".  Ra's clapped his hands together, "Then it's settled. There shall be a battle." Nyssa expected this, she knew there was going to be some condition. So she took her mask back from the soldier, put it on, and  stepped forward.

"Not you, my child, him" He spoke. Nyssa was shocked. She looked to Erik and he nodded. With a kiss on his cheek, she was by her father's side. The league members who were in the room surrounded Erik, swords drawn. She guessed this was the moment she would see what he had learned all those years in the navy. Once the sword was placed in Erik's hand, the battle commenced.

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