Chapter 1: Meeting

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  "Goodbye old friends, old hideouts, and old home... Guess I'll be living here now." A girl with (H/C) hair said.
  "(Y/N), finish unpacking your boxes then go explore the neighborhood. Here's some money. Don't spend it all on one thing!" (Y/N)'s mother warned.
  "Got it mom!" (Y/N) finished unloading everything from her last box and went outside.
     She looked at the road first, to see if there were any cracks. None, perfect for rollerblading! So (Y/N) went back inside to grab her roller shoes and her empty backpack which she put the money she got, her bey Hatshepsut, and its launcher. (Picture the roller skate shoe things from Pokémon XY.) After (Y/N) finished tying them on, she popped the wheels out and began skating down the road.

Xander Shakadera:
  "A bey park, cool. Time to practice Hatshepsut!" (Y/N) pulled out said bey and launcher.
  "3, 2, 1, let it rip!" (Y/N) jerked on the line.
     The attack type bey, Hatshepsut spun around the stadium leaving a yellow trail until it started to spin faster and left a golden trail.
  "Let it....RIP!!!" A red-head said, launching their bey in the stadium.
  "Hatshepsut, War Launch!"
   Hatshepsut races over to a section of the stadium where the other bey was going to be, and after a little while, as if Hatshepsut was gathering weapons or an army, the bey hit the other opponent knocking it out of the stadium.
  "Cool move, wanna rematch?" The red-head asked.
  "Why do you wanna a rematch? It hasn't been a full battle yet. First to 2 points wins, remember?" (Y/N) picked up Hatshepsut.
  "Piece of cake, you just caught me off guard first time!" The person gets into position.
  "Yeah, yeah, tell it to someone who wants to hear it."
  "Let it....RIP!!!"
     Hatshepsut and the other bey landed in the stadium perfectly. The bey kept on trying to attack Hatshepsut, who kept on dodging. The bey kept hitting the wall every time Hatshepsut dodged.
  "Come on Xcalius! Double Saber!" The person put his fists together with a red-flame aura growing around him.
  "Erase them from the texts Hatshepsut! Hieroglyphics Launch!" A golden aura forming around (Y/N).
     The two beys kept hitting each other, Hatshepsut's golden trail had widened with small hieroglyphics appearing behind her. Hatshepsut was getting faster while Xcalius started wobbling.
  "Come on Hatshepsut! Hieroglyphics Launch!" The golden trail widened even more  and larger hieroglyphics appearing on it.
     Hatshepsut hit Xcalius with the speed of a semi truck, and Xcalius bursted.
  "Well I guess I win. The name's (Y/N)."
  "Xander, see you around?" He held out his hand.
  "Sure, see you around." (Y/N) shook it.
     (Y/N) picked up Hatshepsut and put the bey away. Then she jumped up for her wheels to come out and click into place. Then she skated away to explore the rest of the neighborhood.
Xander Shakadera POV
(Y/N) seems cool. I wonder if she's new to the neighborhood? Probably, or probably not. Oh well, she's really cute either way. Wait what am I thinking?
"Xander, you okay?" Someone asked.
"Oh, hey Shu, yeah I'm good." I smile and say.
"Were you talking to the girl who just moved in? Like an hour or two ago?"
"Huh, I figured she recently moved in. Anyway, how are you doing Shu? Shoulder doing any better?"
"Yeah, anyway, I gotta go practice. Bye Xander."
"Bye Shu!" I waved Shu goodbye.

Shu Kurenai:
  "Welcome to the Aoi Bakery! How may I help you?" A cheery voice said.
  "I'm just looking around for now." (Y/N) said.
  "Okay, let me know when you're ready to purchase anything!"
  "What's this?" (Y/N) pointed at a display case.
  "Oh, that's our specialty bey bread! Would you some?" The woman came over.
  "Which one do you prefer?" (Y/N) asked.
  "The one that gets the most sales is the Valtryek bread." She answered.
  "I'll take three then."
  "Alright! I'll have it out in a little bit!" The worker turned away.
  "Okay then..."
     (Y/N) starts leaning against a wall and listened to the surroundings. A fire burning in the bread oven. The worker grabbing wax paper, a paper bag, and other items. Two kids talking upstairs...
  "Here's the bey bread!" The woman said.
  "And here's the money for it."
  "Thank you! Hope to see you again!"
  "Bye then." (Y/N) walked out and took a small bite out of a piece of bey bread.
  "This is actually good. Better than mother's store bought bread."
     (Y/N) started humming the song 'Ruins' (above) while walking. The girl then noticed a bey park where she could practice at.
"Let's practice Mjölnir." (Y/N) took out her bey.
The girl was in a lunge position with her launcher straight down.
"3, 2, 1, let it rip!"
     As the girl launched Mjölnir, she put all of her weight on her left leg, which was in front of her, all the while keeping the launcher in the same place. Her right leg went behind her and her right arm pulled the string. (Reader shall be ambidextrous so it can go either way if you're left or right.)
  "The storm is very calm Mjölnir, let's spice it up then."
  "Let it...Rip!!!" A red bey jumped into the stadium.
  "Hm..." (Y/N) started thinking.
     The red bey started to attack Mjölnir, but seeing how Mjölnir is a defense type, it was holding up well against the attacks.
  "Center Storm Mjölnir." (Y/N) said, a dark grey and bright yellow energy forming around her.
  "Upper Launch Spryzen!" The albino yelled with a red aura forming.
     Mjölnir appeared as a blonde girl with a large hammer. Her eyes were grey with a lightning bolt in each eye. She was wearing grey armor all over her body with light grey chains in areas where armor isn't connected and a white dress underneath. On the breast plate and shoulder pieces was a dark grey storm cloud with a giant lightning bolt in the middle with 2 smaller lightning bolts by it. Mjölnir was also dark grey Viking boots along with her hair going in a ponytail braid going down in a lightning bolt fashion.
     Spryzen then appeared swinging its battle axe towards Mjölnir who was blocking the axe with her giant hammer.
     Mjölnir knocked Spryzen out of the stadium.
  "Nice battle." The albino said picking up Spryzen.
  "Thanks, I guess. I'm not that good at beyblading." (Y/N) replied.
  "Oh really? Well then, my name's Shu Kurenai. What's your name?" Shu asked.
  "(Y/N), I'll see you around town, or school then I guess?"
  "Yeah, maybe."
  "Bye Shu!" (Y/N) called out.
  "Bye (Y/N)!" Shu yelled looking away.
     Why is she so cute?? I can't tell Valt, he'll tell everyone. I guess I have to keep it to myself. Besides, I can't let myself get distracted during the tournament.
"Bye (Y/N)!" I turned away blushing, I don't think (Y/N) noticed though.
   I'll just go home and make dinner for myself. Then maybe practice later. That's a plan, way to go Shu! You can impress (Y/N) with your skills! Wait what?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2018 ⏰

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