How to Buy

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Now my shop is gonna be a little different. After every restock, there would be a riddle. The first to answer the riddle will receive the premade, under some circumstances i.e a permanent follow, a dedication in your book (not in the author's note or any chapter not related to the story), a published book with at least two chapters (excluding author's note and prologue) or a book published a month after your purchase, and a mention in the description. Failure to follow will cause seizure of cover to be sold again.
If you don't like the purchasing process, you can go to another shop. It takes time, energy, patience to make these covers so I deserve a little compensation.
Now the riddle for the previous sample covers is

I am an odd number. Take one letter and I become even. What number am I?

So if you desire any of the previous samples, comment the answer on any of the pics.

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