Boy Bye

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This time Willy woke up before Ethan she sat up from laying on his chest rubbing her tired eyes

She look over at him to see his lips parted slightly and his hair all over

And one of his arms behind his head and the other one around her, it was around her until she sat up

She hates Ethan so much that the feeling of liking him has grown stronger and no matter what she can't fight it

What makes her more angrier at him is for him to be so comfortable saying he hates her and that he actually just uses her for sex and she knows that

She can smell the lies on him

She realizes that she can't like anyone especially him

She needs focus on more important things like trying to take over from her dad

She gets up from the bed going into the bathroom grabbing her robe wrapping it around her

She put her hair up in a ponytail and go in the kitchen only to find nothing, no food no nothing

She turns around from the cabinet and see Ethan standing right behind her

She didn't do anything but jump alittle

"If you try to scare me it didn't work I don't get scared easily" she say pushing past him

"Okay hard ball" he say with his voice all raspy

"I was surprised when I woke up I thought you will be gone" she say pouring her some water

"Well you thought wrong" he say teasing her

"I'm hungry girl making me something to eat" he say rubbing his stomach

"Nigga do I look like a fucking chef make it yo dam self and plus ain't shit in here" she say looking at him

"Aren't you suppose to be leaving" she say walking back in her room he follows right behind her

"I got a twin brother he can do the job for me" he say sitting on the edge of the bed watching her bend down to get some clothes out her drawer

"How about I take me and you to breakfast" he say rubbing his sweaty hands on his legs

She doesn't respond she continue to try and find something to wear for today

"Willow" Ethan say a little too loud she turn her head and look at him "yes" she say dropping her clothes

"Do you want me to take you to go eat breakfast" he say looking at her up and down "Yes and don't scream in my house again bitch" she say picking up her clothes

"Well let me go get dress at my place real quick" he say getting up pulling his shirt over his head

"That's fine" she say going in her bathroom

He leaves going to his place

He go in his closet throwing on some jeans and a black shirt and grab his grey hoodie

"Bro where you been" Grayson say entering Ethan room

"I been with Willy" he say putting on his shoes "it's an emergency" Grayson say throwing Ethan his cologne

"Well go I'm taking her for breakfast" Ethan say spraying hisself

"Can't you do that another day" Grayson say handing him his keys

"No what's the problem you can't talk to them" Ethan say pushing past Grayson

"I can but this time it's important it's about our family" Grayson say following behind Ethan

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