Chapter 26: Face to Face

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We stood there intimidated, but not afraid. We knew him and he knew us. It was a battle that wasn't going to end in a treaty or some agreement. Everyone felt it. Someone was going to have to die for this to end. I could only pray and hope that it wouldn't be one of us. I could only hope that we'd be the last standing and that Kyung, would sadly but necessarily be down. 

He stood before us, glaring and fuming; I could feel the waves of anger emitting form him. 

"How did you get down here?" He said, his voice dripping with poison.

"Well clearly we climbed down the ladder idiot." Chaeyoung said, standing up and being her usual thoughtless self.

Kyung scowled at us and a few vampires behind him stepped forward, ready to lunge at Chaeyoung.

"Get out now and you might live." Kyung said, not as a suggestion but as a demand.

None of us moved. Tzuyu's hand had found mine and she held on firmly. I could feel how she was ready for anything. It gave that same confidence.

"No." Tzuyu said, and that was enough for Kyung to know. We were going to fight. A fight for not only our lives but for the lives of all these people.

We had to win.

"Then so be it, but know your blood will stain these grounds for eternity." Kyung's voice said, something dark, something new in his voice, and that could only mean there was something entirely unexpected coming our way.

"Let me show you what monster you will become when your blood-link dies, hemaphiles." Kyung said, smirking.

Form the darkness emerged a girl trapped inside a cage; she was blindfolded and changed. A sort of fear entered my body. I could only imagine what Kyung had done to her.

"This is Yuju, a hemaphile without a blood-link. Since you guys killed her." Kyung said, "Of course SinB didn't know back then that Yuju even existed..."

Tzuyu's entire body seemed to freeze. So did mine. We were warned about the rage, the insanity of a hemaphile without a blood-link. I was scared. Terrified.

"Should we release her? See what she does when we tell her you killed her blood-link?" Kyung said, smirking sickeningly.

I looked around me briefly seeing the stoic faces of my sisters and Tzuyu's sisters. We were all scared, but we did a good job of hiding it. Mina was flush against Chaeyoung and Momo and Dahyun were holding hands like Tzuyu and I were. There was something in the air around us that told all of us we were ready, afraid, but ready.

To be honest though, I was ready to fight, not ready to see what would happen to me if I lost Tzuyu.

"You're a monster." Momo said.

Kyung laughed maniacally, breath running out as he hurled over holding his stomach. His evil cackle echoed through the dark room we had found ourselves inside.

"Yes. Indeed I am. One you shouldn't have messed with." Kyung said, eyes glowing. Like literally glowing. They were red, he was a vampire.

We stepped back briefly as the door to Yuju's cage swung open with a eerie creak. There was no movement for a moment, but then the chains clicked off and she shifted slightly. as if stretching. Her arms stretched out and very slowly she took off her own blindfold.

Her eyes were impossibly red and puffy, her lips were swollen and there was a scar across her nose that hadn't been treated or cleaned at all. Her head turned breathtakingly slowly and then they locked upon us.

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