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Ganesh's trunk wrapped around my waist like my ex's dick. It slithered up my body slowly, building tension and atmosphere. I saw Ganesh move down my body - he peered under my rags. "Pubes," he whispered, seducing me into taking off my rags in a sexy motion. One of his many hands began to tickle my pubes while another slapped the booty then grabbed the booty. My bum is firm he moans as he sucks my mighty dick. I push him away. "Stop," I say, "take this elsewhere."

Ganesh teleported us both to his secret lair. "Your turn," he says. At this point I am sweating in my palms, unsure of what to do. This is new to me. I ring up father. 


"Hello, father."

"Hello, Jesus, my dear son. What is the matter?"

"Do I take him to a strip club?"



I hung up. "Off we go!" I exclaim. I drag his naked body down to the club. It was dark but the streets were lit, I saw silhouettes of dancing drug addicts inside. I got confused Ganesh to teleport us inside. "My good man!" I hear in the distance. I somehow recognise the voice, it's distinct in my head and I should know this... suddenly I am grabbed on the shoulder. It's my ex, Hitler. "Should've known it was you..." I side-comment. 

"Something the matter? Anyhow I was wondering if you and your new friend would like a joint?" 

"I'll pass, thank-you Adolf. Me and Ganesh would like to be left alone if you wouldn't mi---

"JESUS! AYYYYE FELLA DIDN'T EXPECT TO SEE YOU!" I hear from behind me; it's Gandhi. 

"Gandhi, is it?" Ganesh asks. I giving him a haunting glare. We can communicate through looks because we're teens and we're best friends. I said "Lol man what the fuck do you think you're doing how do you know him stop this now please!?"

"Jesus ma nigga thought we were tight man I can do what I want." he replies.

Stormed out of the club because I have had it up to here with Ganesh. What was I thinking exploiting my pubic area to an elephant? 'He's ugly as fuck anyway 'dawg you can do way better,' I think to myself, 'go find a new man at Burger King'. So that is basically what I try and do for what seemed like my entire existance. I won't go into much detail to avoid further embarrassment. I've already been receiving anonymous hate on Ask.fm. Might put a status?

-Feelin' suicidal-

I wait two minutes for likes and sympathy comments but all I get is nothing. I suppose Ganesh wins this time...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2014 ⏰

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