The perfect gift (Timids One-Shot)

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((A/N: So hey guys. I was talked into doing a small story. I'm not finishing Enchanted, this is just a small little one shot. I had an idea and wanted to write it. Enjoy!))

"So, its our Timids birthdays tomorrow!" Laurence beamed, as the five guys gathered in the living room. It was the day before Drew and Shane's 20th birthdays, and the band were extremely excited. 

"What're we gonna do for it?" Luke asked, looking over at Drew and Shane, who were splayed on the sofa.

"Well, Kier and I are going to go out and sort some stuff out. Luke, you can come help?" Laurence replied.

"Nah mate, don't wanna get in the way while you're trying to get off with Kier in the local park," Luke responded, before crying out. "Ow! Kier, you bastard!" Luke complained, as Kier whacked him with a huge cushion.

"Ssh, you're the manly one in this band. Unless its to do with our flying squawky friends," Kier chuckled, before falling into Laurence's arms. 

"So, Drew, Shane, what have you gotten each other for tomorrow?" Laurence queried, stroking Kier's red fringe.

"He'll have to see.." Shane murmured, pushing his glasses up his nose and smiling lovingly at Drew. The small Timid was laying in his arms, an excited grin on his face.

Drew froze, scanning his brain quickly. Had he gotten anything for Shane? Maybe a few sub standard things, but nothing good..

"Well, Kier and I need to get off," Laurence spoke, causing Kier to jump off his lap as the ebony haired boy slapped his ass.

"Sounds like a plan, Bevers,"

"Not like that. We'll be back later, we've got some shopping to do," Laurence chuckled, making his way out of the room.

"Me too! Wait up!" Drew shrieked, jumping off the sofa in a hurry. 

"Drewie? Where're you going?" Shane pouted, as his boyfriend left his arms.

"Gotta go Shaney,, love you, back tonight," Drew stumbled, kissing Shane on the lips before grabbing his coat and dashing out after Laurence and Kier.

Once outside, Drew realized he's grabbed Shane's coat, and not his. That was clear by the size of the coat- Shane was a pretty small guy but he was bigger than Drew. The small Timid patted his pockets as he walked into town, feeling relieved when he found his wallet in his jeans pocket. His phone was at home, but he'd have to do without it.

Snuggling into the warmth of the jacket and embracing the smell of Shane, Drew skipped off into town. He had to find Shane the perfect birthday present. Even if it took all day- he had to find something. 

Drew's first stop was a small yet fancy looking shop, which apparently stocked wrapping and ribbons. Once inside, Drew had to resist the urge to wrap himself in silky ribbon, and to try wrap himself up. Controlling his childish urge, Drew picked some shiny, pretty paper, completely ignoring the price label. Gifts couldn't cost that much, right?

Once bought, Drew skipped off down the street, excited eyes wandering everywhere. Normally he'd go shopping with Shane, and without his boyfriend here, he could go buy anything. Perhaps that was the most worrying aspect about his shopping trip.

The small TImid was about to go on his hunt for Shane's gift, when a large selection of colours caught his eye. Tiers and tiers of glorious delights, covered in the prettiest, most delicious looking decorations. 

Squealing in delight, Drew dashed over to the cake shop, his face plastered against the window. He'd never been in before- an even more hyper Drew was something the guys tried to prevent. 

The perfect gift (Fearless Vampire Killers / Timids One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now