When the bell chimes

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Heavy raindrops made their way through the ominous grey clouds as they pierced through the atmosphere like shards of glass just before they came into contact with the damp concrete, causing a mild splash. The silence was almost deafening as not a single soul could be seen wandering endlessly down the dimly lit streets. The air, which suffocated the tall buildings towering over the rocky roads, felt almost eerie almost as if an unknown presence was lurking amongst the shadows. The tapping of someone's footsteps echoed through the deadly silence as they merged with the sound of heavy breathing, which became heavier and more irregular at every pace. I need to get out of here, was the only thought that went through the person's mind. They had an uncanny feeling that someone or something was following them, stalking them.

They needed to get away from the streets.

That was all they needed to know.

The person came to a halt in order to catch their breath. They gently lowered their head and stared at their gloomy reflection in a puddle. The mellow moonlight dimly lit her face. Her eyes became wide as she pulled a loose strand of hair away from her rosy cheeks. Her youth was hidden behind a veil of sweat and dirt, which caused her to bend down and gently clean her face using the fresh rain water from the puddle. Her head jolted as she believed something sinister was approaching her. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears as she stood back up and forced her legs to head in any direction as long as it was away from whatever was tormenting her. She caught a glimpse of a pitch black alleyway through the corner of her eye and didn't hesitate to bolt towards it. She let a shaky sigh of relief escape her lips as she leaned her figure limply against the hard surface of the wall. The young girl adjusted the hem of her tainted white skirt, which had assumed a dark brown colour due to the mud. She felt at a loss and could barely focus her thoughts on what was necessary.

A shiver ran down the girl's spine as she heard a blood-curdling scream. She whipped her head around. The girl's eyes widened in horror.

A gasp escaped my pale lips as my torso shot up in a sitting position. I found myself moaning as I attempted to recollect where I was. I could feel hundreds of eyes boring holes through my back as my orbs trailed around this daunting place. Notre Dame, a religious site, which hid something sinister behind the gargoyles and pinnacles. A location which could give almost anybody goosebumps as they look up the façade, which was brought to life in the thirteenth century. I slowly stood to my feet, before running my long slender fingers through my coal black hair.

It was time to chime the bell.

With all my might I dragged my body up the steep stairs towards the bell tower and pulled on the oh-so familiar cord, clearly worn out as the straws had unraveled as time passed. I covered my ears as the dongs pounded through my brain, somehow becoming louder and more deafening by the second. I could never get used to this godforsaken sound. A face came to my mind as I stared at the cord, mindlessly.

I had that dream again.

I noticed a drop of sweat tickle my chin as I looked up at the bell before me. I let a sigh escape my lips as I headed back down the stairs and into the cathedral. My eyes travelled up to look at the paintings which surrounded me, causing me to feel slightly uneasy. I heard some muffled voices approach and I found myself hiding behind one of the many benches inside the church. "Alexandre", I heard a deep croaky voice call my name. I hesitantly lifted my head up from where I was and greeted the elder man in front of me. "Bonjour", I pronounced, bowing my head slightly in a sign of respect. The man scoffed as he rubbed his hands together, straightened his back and cleared his throat. His aura radiated superiority, which made me feel small like the simple bell-boy I was.

"I need you to go to the market and give this letter to Monsieur Blanc", the elder explained as he delicately handed me the beige letter. I stared at a familiar black crow symbol on the sealing wax and furrowed my eyebrows. "Do not open it", he warned as he seemed to catch on. I shook my head and picked up my brown wool bag, swinging it over my right shoulder before I made my way out of the cathedral and onto the busy streets.

The sound of merchants raising their voices as they called out to the citizens, made me feel somewhat relieved. There was something different about the atmosphere, however I couldn't quite grasp what.

I was lost in my thoughts when I suddenly heard a petrified scream come from the woman a few feet away from me. "Demon!", she shouted at the top of her lungs, pulling her young daughter away from me with all of her might. The other citizens around me stopped, a gut feeling telling me to run away from there. "Be gone, thy devil!", I heard an elder man shout shortly after. I froze in my spot as I felt my blood drain from my face.

I glanced around me in a panic as I felt glares burn through my pale skin.

"Now now, people. Move aside", a deep rough voice chimed from amongst the crowd. "Leave the poor wee boy in peace", they added. My eyes widened slightly as I watched a stranger approach me. I heard hesitant sighs before the crowd dismembered.

"Are you alright, boy?", he asked as he showed me a yellow smile. I tilted my head in a slow nod as I kept my eyes on the man. There was something about him, which bothered me. "We don't see many people like you with heterochromia these days", he mumbled, stroking his long grey beard. His black orbs traveled down as they met the beige letter. "Is that perhaps for me?", he asked, his eyes going dark. I looked down at the letter and held it up to him. "Monsieur Blanc?", I questioned to the man, who nodded in response.

"Thank you, boy", he said before taking the letter gently out of my grip. "I should get going", I bowed my head as the words escaped my lips. "Wait", he interrupted my leave as he placed one of his hands on my shoulder. "Who are you?", he asked me, a hint of wonder in his eyes.

"I'm just a simple bell-boy", was all I said before I went back to the cathedral.


I stumbled as I made my way along the wet dark streets. A few hours had passed since I left the premises of Notre Dame. I felt goosebumps crawl up the skin of my bare arms as I kept my brown eye on the concrete. A few droplets of rain dampened the crown of my head, causing my hair to stick like glue to my forehead. I kept my other eye closed, restraining the instinct to rub it as the pain became intolerable.

"May the Lord have mercy on my soul", I muttered between clashing teeth. I could barely focus on what was happening, when I saw a familiar silhouette walk past me. The girl turned her gaze and her orbs widened when they met mine.

Hello ladies and gentlemen!
This is a story I wrote for English class some years ago, although I actually came up with the idea of the story when I was about twelve. Basically we were asked to write a story with a gothic setting so I thought this plot would match perfectly. I came across my work a few days ago and since I enjoyed re-reading it, I thought I would publish it just for fun😆

Thanks for reading💕

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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