First fight

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A loud smashing followed after the plate met the wall. Just as the glass before it and the vase that decorated the table.

- You fucking asshole! I hate you!

But Jinyoung's words were more sharp and hurt Jaebeom. And he knew it was all his fault. This time the younger was in his full right to be angry and scream at him. Their stupid small fight leaded to this mess. A fight that started because of a stupid argument. The situation was followed with a few days of ignoring each other. But then the older did a stupid decision that leaded to that mess.


Sora was quiet and short girl from Jaebeom's major. She wasn't anything special - slim, chubby face, short black hair just above her shoulders, small eyes and big pink lips that were distinguished on the her pale face. In Jaebeom's eyes she wasn't someone who can get his attention. But Sora had crush on the boy. She wasn't the only one, Jaebeom was very handsome and everyone fell for his beauty, but unlike the others she was paired with Jaebeom for a project and they had to spent more time together.

At first, Jinyoung understood the situation. He didn't say anything when Jaebeom cancelled some long waited plans in the last minute because of the project. Or when he was 3 hours late for their date because he lost sens of the time. Jinyoung understood.

One day, Jaebeom and Sora were working on their project at the boy's house and Jinyoung was invited since he and Jaebeom had plans for later. But the girl was doing everything possible to stay longer. However, Jinyoung noticed it. The girl was trying so hard to catch his attention being all smiley and touchy with Jaebeom who wasn't minding it or at least didn't payed attention to it. But it irritated Jinyoung. When the girl was gone the latter revealed how he felt. He pointed the other all the ways she was trying so get his attention or even thought they did a project together and it was important it didn't meant they had to be this close. Jaebeom teasingly asked the other if he was jealous but with the serious tone he admitted Jaebeom felt sorry for the things he have put the other through. He apologize to the other and promised he won't spend so much time with Sora. This night Jinyoung for first time had a sleepover at Jaebeom's house, both cuddling each other to sleep.

Hopefully the project was done soon after that. The two boys were back to their usual schedules and soon made up for the cancelled plans and dates. Everything in their own world was perfect. Until one night when Jinyoung found a letter in Jaebeom's book. It was from Sora. She was basically confessing her feelings for Jaebeom. They argued. Words that may hurt them were exchanged and then Jaebeom accidentally mentioned Sora. That was when all Jinyoung lost it. He told the other that when the girl was more important to him that he should stop playing with him. He's was crying and Jaebeom regretted it all but didn't say anything. He was scared that he'll make the things worst because of his anger.

The first few days Jinyoung ignored him no matter what the other did to try to apologize. He didn't talk with Jaebeom for almost a week. But at the end he missed the older too much so he decided to apologize for his altitude and maybe cuddle.

Unfortunately, Sora was at the wrong place at the wrong time. She was sitting on the couch at Jaebeom's house when the other arrived. The boy could explain whatever but Sora disappeared as soon as she saw Jinyoung at the door leaving the two boys alone. The second the door clicked close, Jinyoung got the first thing he could reach and through it at the wall. And then the next thing and the next.


Jinyoung wanted to scream but instead there were only tears falling down his cheeks. Jaebeom wanted to hug him, to wipe the tears and to never let go of him. But something was holding him back. He was waiting for a sign. And soon Jinyoung spreaded his arms waiting for Jaebeom who didn't hesitate for a moment wrapping his arms around the other's waist.

- I hate you.

Jinyoung whispered hiding his head in the other's chest.

- I love you.

- That won't change the fact that I hate you.

- I know.

Jaebeom missed having the other in his arms. He hated seeing him crying but he was happy the younger was with him. He did a stupid mistake that costed Jinyoung's trust.

- Did you call her or she came out of nowhere?

- I did. But I swear I didn't mean to and you didn't want to talk to me.

- Don't you dare throwing all your shit on me. You knew I don't like you spending time with her but you still called her.

Jinyoung was now pushing the other to get out of his grip. The older eventually let him but still had his hands in his.

- Will you stay overnight?

- No, I need to think and I can't when I'm near you.

Jaebeom nodded.

- Please, don't leave me. I love you.

- I know, Jaebeom-ah. I love you too, but I need time.

Jaebeom nodded again and Jinyoung let off his hands leaving the other.


New chapter yay! Not the best but I tried. Hope you like it! If there is someone that is reading this please leave some kind of a sign. All the love.xx ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡

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