Surprise Box

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(H/C) = Hair Color
(E/C) = Eye Color


'The snitch has been caught! RAVENCLAW WINS!'

You could still hear the announcer's voice ringing in your ears and it made your heart sink.
Gryffindor had played some bad games before, but never this bad. You were only able to score 20 points, and James didn't even catch the snitch, which was unheard of before today's game. Rest assured, he was also very upset which didn't make you feel any better seeing as he usually told you great asset to the team you were when you felt you hadn't done your best. And to top it off, this game was vital for the Quidditch Cup. No way Gryffindor will win this year.
Abandoning James on the pitch and trying to block out the jeers from the Ravenclaws, you make your way towards the library to find your boyfriend, Remus. If nobody else could give you comfort, he certainly could.

You burst through the doors of the library, still in your sweaty Quidditch robes, and you look hurriedly around.
"(Y/N)?" you hear a familiar voice coming through the walls of books and turn to see Remus looking concernedly at you. Without hesitation, you run over to him, ignoring Madame Pince's objections, and throw yourself into his chest, hugging him tightly.
"Hey, (Y/N) it's okay, it's okay, I'm here." Remus hushed and held you in his arms, running his hand through your (H/C) hair. "What's the matter love?"
He pulled you away just enough so he could look into your teary (E/C) eyes with his warm green ones.
"Oh Remus, you'll think it's so silly," you begin with a whisper, "but we lost the game. It was...brutal. I only scored 20 points for us and James didn't even catch the snitch. We'll be lucky to even get third place in the tournament." You look down at your feet, feeling more tears well up behind your eyes as you relived the worst game of your life.
"Oh no, love that isn't silly at all! I'm so sorry." Remus pulled you back into a hug and commenced running his fingers through your hair once more.
"Hey, I actually have a surprise for you. I was going to save it for a special occasion, but now seems to be as good a time as any! Would you like that?" He smiled then searched your face for an answer to his suggestion.
You sadly smile and nod, "Yeah that would be cool."
"Great! Come on, let's get out of here before Madame Pince starts yelling." Remus laughs, taking your hand as he leads you out of the library and towards the Gryffindor common room.

As the two of you entered through the portrait hole, you were greeted by he solemn faces of the remaining members of your Quidditch team. The most tragic of them was definitely James though, as he blankly stared into the fire in front of him.
You were all supposed to be drinking fire whiskey in celebration of a win, but instead they drank it in order to ease the hard blow of a tough loss.
"Come on up here, love!" Remus called out to you from the stairs to the boy's dormitories.
You hadn't realized your hand had slipped out of his as you watched the lament of your teammates.
In a melancholy mood, you trudge up the stairs after your boyfriend, the follow him into his room.
As usual, it was quite messy, but you expected as much. Sharing a room with James and Sirius would result in nothing less than a room that a tornado could have blown through.
"Hey love, go ahead and sit on the bed, I need to get the surprise out." Remus said, as he began to look through his trunk and his possessions.
You plop down onto Remus's bed then move slightly so you're sitting cross-legged in the middle. You slouch with your elbows on your knees, resting your face in your hands, and you let out a deep sigh.
"Hey! Turn that frown upside-down, sweetheart! Look what I've got!" Remus smiled widely as he laid a large, handled box on the bed next to you.
"Uhm....Remus? What is it?" You ask, puzzling over this mysterious brown box.
"Open it and you'll see!" Remus said, getting excited and a little impatient.
A little wary, you slowly undo the two latches then raise the lid to reveal a small record player.
Your frown slowly became a huge smile and your heart began to feel warm again. You were sure your face was glowing, because Remus laughed out a bit.
"I knew you'd like it! I was able to get a new record player, and this one is portable so I can take it with me anywhere! I know you love coming over to my house to listen to our records, but I thought this would be better, cause now we can listen whenever we feel like it." Remus smiled as you turned to him, face beaming with delight. You lean forward and give him a small kiss to express your fondness, then ask, "Which records did you bring!"
"Ahh yes, you'll like these as well," Remus reached down the side of his bed and pulled up a bag full of records onto the bed in front of you. You shuffled through them fast, but your smile got wider with every record you saw. You loved "Muggle" music, but you only ever really got to listen when you were at Remus's house. You're family didn't have anything against Muggles per say, but they weren't into Muggle possessions, so of course, you weren't allowed to have any either.
"Simon & Garfunkel, The Bee Gees, Pink Floyd, Queen, Fleetwood Mac, David Bowie, The Beatles.....Remus you have all of my favorites!" You exclaim, naming off all of the artists you passed.
"Well of course! Anything for my girl! Which one do you want to listen to first?" He asked, readying his player as you looked through all the records, trying to decide, then finally settling on "Sounds of Silence" by Simon & Garfunkel.

Remus placed the record in the player, then put down the needle, resulting in a few seconds of silence before the soft vocals of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel filled the room.
"Come here, love." Remus leaned up against his headboard and pulled you into his chest, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
Holding you tightly and resting his face by your ear, he whispered, "You feel any better love?"
You hummed lowly and nodded your head, closing your eyes. Remus smiled, then started singing "The Leaves That Are Green" softly into your hair, placing small kisses every so often. You giggled, then sang softly along with him.
"Hey, (Y/N)?" He said, pulling his face away. You turned and looked into his soft green eyes, "Yes, Remus?"
"I love you so much." He smiled, with a small dimple that made your heart melt, coupled with his tousled caramel hair.
"Yeah, I know, Remus." You smile back, quickly giving him a soft, sweet kiss to deter his puzzled look.
"And guess what! I love you too."
He moved his face close to rub his nose against yours, giving you an eskimo kiss.
"Glad to hear that." He hummed, "Now let's listen to the rest of these records shall we?"
He snuggled you back into his chest as you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, listening to record after record through the night before falling asleep in each other's embrace. Bad Quidditch game? What Quidditch game?

Surprise Box // Remus Lupin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now