trouble at home

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It was after school Skylar was slowly making her way home preparing the scolding she would get by her mom but despite walking as slow as she could possibly could she was right at her drive way and both her mom's and Scott's cars where right there and she knew she was doomed.

"Crap why did Sonic have to walk home with Amy"? She asks herself in fear

She made her way to the door and slowly opened it and sure enough her mom was right there waiting for her and she was not happy.

"Skylar Alexandra the hedgehog you are in so much trouble". her mom said

"Oh no". She said quickly

Scott then comes from the side and lightly pushes her onto the couch and sits down next to Rachel.

"Skylar care to explain why I got a call from the school saying a boy attacked you AND you used your powers"? Rachel asks 

"Mom I'm so sorry Connor the boy he was going to beat up my friend Silver and then in English he attacked me for NO reason and I lost control I'm so sorry mom I wont happen again". Skylar blurts out

"Skylar you said your friend Silver"?

"Yeah., why"?

Rachel takes a deep breath then talks.

"Did you hurt this Connor person"?

"No but I may of scared him a bit".

Rachel then gets up from her set and looks at Skylar.

"Did ANYONE get hurt"?

"No one got hurt".

"Skylar go to your room me and Scott will decide if you should be punish or not".

"Okay". Skylar says in a whisper tone

Skylar with her head down slowly makes her way to her room while Rachel lets out a sad sigh 

"I don't know what to do". Rachel admits 

"Nether do I". Scott says

"But then again she only did it because a friend needed help". He also adds in

"Yeah but she broke a rule she knows she's not allowed to use her powers in pubic".

"Honey the war ended long before she was even born heck I was only two when it ended". Scott tells her

"Yeah but some people are still.......unsure about  beast masters living among us".

"But they can't do anything about it times have change and forcing Skylar to pretend she doesn't have powers wont teach her to control them".

"I know but.......I don't know how to teach her".

"I herd there are classes for that at the school maybe Skylar can take one of them".

"Yeah maybe you're right".

Sonic then walks into the house who right away senses something off.

"Hey everything alright"? Sonic asks censure

"Everything's fine Sonic I just don't know what to do with your sister".

"Yeah but mom..............Skylar didn't mean to use her powers besides she didn't use them on anyone".

"I know but your sister knew she can't use her powers in public let alone school".

"I'm.............going to go do my homework".

Sonic quickly goes up the stairs just leaving his mom and Scott.


Sonic makes his way to his room but decides to check on Skylar before doing his homework he slowly opens her door and steps inside then sits on Skylar's bed who has her face buried in her pillow crying. Sonic puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Skylar you okay"? 

"This isn't fair Sonic thanks to my powers I'm in so much trouble and its all Connors's fault".

"Who Connor"?

"The dude that attacked me".

Silence fills the room Skylar looks down at the floor unable to look Sonic in the eye.



"......Why was I born with these stupid powers"?

"I can't say it just happened and sometimes that's life".

"Yeah but you don't have powers so why me"?

"I............I wish I knew".

Just then there mom walks into the room.

"Sonic can you leave the room please? I need to speck to Skylar".


Sonic leaves the room and closes the door once it's just the two of them there mom specks.

"Skylar me and Scott of made our decision". Rachel starts 

"We 've decided that you won't be punish".


"Hold on let me finish you won't be punish but there's a catch".

"I knew it what's the catch"?

"We've decided that starting Wednesday everyday at school you will learn how to control your powers".

"Wait what"?

"They'er classes at the school and tomorrow morning we're going to the school to talk to the  principal about them".


Rachel walks over to the door but before she opens it she saids one last thing.

"Look you may of broken a rule but you did it for a good cause so I'm proud of you for helping your friend".

"Thanks mom".

She leaves then Sonic comes back to the room to ask Skylar something.

"What was that about".

"I'll..........tell you later".

"Oh.........well anyways that's not what I wanted to ask you".

"What is it"?

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and Amy tonight"?

"Why? So I can be a third wheel"? Skylar jokingly asks 

"No I just want to ask if my favorite sister if she wanted to hang out with me".

"I'm your only sister".

"Not the point besides Amy said you can invite a friend to join if you want".

"Well I have no plans so why not"?

"Cool and let me know if you decide to invite someone else".

"You got it".

 Sonic walks out and Skylar already knows who she's going to invite so she grabs her phone and Texts Silver.

Skylar: Hey.

A few seconds later her phone goes off.

Silver:Hi Skylar.

Skylar: You doing anything tonight?

Silver: No. Why?

Skylar: Sonic invited me to hangout with him and his friend and I don't want to be the odd one out so I was wondering if you wanted to come.

Silver: Sure I'll come.

Skylar: Cool I text you the details see you tonight.

Silver: See ya :)

Skylar puts down her phone and smiles she then lays in her bed excited for tonight.

A/N: Hoped you liked this chapter cause it was fun writing and as for this 'war' Scott mentioned don't worry that will be talked about more soon later peps


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