Prologue: A Dying Breed

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Silence reigned this night, bringing all sound under its liege as the royal kingdom slept soundly. A single knight clad in silver and white stood guard outside a large set of wood and iron doors, kept under the spell of this enchanting silvery eve in his vigil. But that silence was quickly broken by a clap of thunder in result of fallen metal. He grew tense, fingers hovering over the hilt of his blade as the heart inside his chest pounded.

When company was absent after the disturbance, he started to panic. The air that surrounded him grew thick, heavy, laden with a certain power that he had learned to fear and before he could prepare himself to draw his sword toward the shadow that slipped from around the corner, he fell to the ground.

A smirk crossed over scarlet lips as the shade had moved like liquid along the darkened walls and slipped between those very doors the unfortunate soul had been guarding.

A single candle illuminated the room, flickering gently beside a large canopied bed. Among the furs and down was a solitary form. The witch slowly crept, quelling the small flame.

"Mother?" a voice called out, soft and sweet, and trembling.

The darkness guided her toward the blinded golden-haired maiden, growing the sinister curl of her lips when Princess Emma had lost her breath.

She was wise to be afraid.

"Show yourself," she demanded, though there was fright attached to her voice.

Ever closer did she draw toward the bed, preparing her next move and flexing her burning fingers.

"What do you want?" She sounded desperate, on the edge of hysteria. "D-Do you know who I am? The castle is heavily guarded."

Laughter was belted from the woman shrouded in darkness, rumbling off the stone structures. The guards had been cut down before they had knowledge of their own demise. This poor girl had no chance.

Before Emma could cry out, the witch shifted further toward the bed, wrist flicking as she brought her into unconsciousness.

It was in that moment that she gazed upon her victim. A name crossed her mind, twisting her features into a scowl. So very easy to capture. The maiden was fair, she could not deny that. Her hair was like silken honey in the moonlight, splaying around her head like a golden halo, and her face was soft, sweet, and full of youth.

The dark witch imagined the joy she would obtain after breaking this girl of her innocence.

She let her fantasies subside for the moment and let her fluttering heart calm. Lingering only meant failure and she had waited far too long to let this slip through her fingers. Thus, she let violet magic consume them, pulling them closer to the dark future.

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