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Dear future minie me,

There comes a day in every persons life where they ask themselves, 'Am i normal?'

My answer for you is, being honest if you're my daughter you're no where near it.

But its ok. Because normal is overrated.

You were made to be extrodanary, why settle for normal?

You were mad to stand out, be proud, and wear your crown.

I want you to make you own definition of the word, and make you ordinary, extrodinary.

And sit with the odd kid, the one so far from normal, he doesn't know its a word, and be like them, because they will be the most supportive, most caring, most addictive person you will ever meet.

Don't be someone else's definition of normal, because you are extrodinary, no matter how you see it.


Dear Future DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now