Chapter Thirteen

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                                                       Chapter XIII

        When the lights when out Col. Young and Scott immediately turned on the flashlights mounted on their guns. Greer was still holding Eli, he gently let him go. Eli ran inside the room where Chloe was, he only stopped when he reached her. Eli would probably had fallen if not for Greer, he turn on his flashlight and pointed in so Eli could see the way. Chloe was lying face down on the floor. Scott had to concentrate because his instinct told him to secure the area but his will was to drop everything and run to Chloe. Eli dropped to one knee and turned Chloe over, after a few seconds; Eli turned his head back and yelled “She’s breathing.” He grabbed her and quickly carried her out of the room for fear that the security system would activate again. Greer backed away from the doorway so Eli and Chloe could fit through. Eli seated her gently on the floor, kneeling behind her as to provide support for her back so she didn’t lay complete on the ground.

ELI WALLACE: Chloe, wake up.

        Eli spoke with a pitch a little higher then usually, he wasn’t screaming but almost. He resisted the urge to shake her like they to in the movies, but being the genius he is he knew that could do more harm the good. Scott holstered his weapon and kneeled on beside Chloe holding her hand, he too told her to wake up. She didn’t respond in any way, she just sat there.

COL. YOUNG: Master Sargent, pick her up. We must get her to T.J. as soon as possible. We also need to get out there and see how things up there are.

ELI WALLACE: Let’s just hope that Destiny is still up there.

LT. SCOTT: They are; they must be. She didn’t do this in vain.

        Greer stepped forward and picked up Chloe, while Eli got behind the Scott who led the way, behind Eli was Greer carrying Chloe and in last place was the Colonel. They made their way to the shuttle fairly quickly considering that all the lights on the Ling’s Building were off.

        When they arrived at the shuttle, Scott immediately sat on the pilot’s chair and initiate take off sequence. Eli sat on the right side of the shuttle while Greer laid down Chloe on the left seats. After Greer sat on his seat by Scott’s side Eli got up and sat next to Chloe placing her head on his lap. Col. Young was the last to get in to the shuttle, the planet was deserted but he kept a watchful eye on the horizon while everyone got ready to take off. When they were ready Scott signal Col. Young who got in the shuttle and sat on the remaining seat by the right side window.

LT. SCOTT: Everybody hang on…

        Back on the ship, Rush received a radio transmission from one of the Descendants Ship, they informed him that there was at least one shuttle available to take them down to the planet. Rush instructed the Descendants to dock on the starboard side shuttle pad. Volker heard Rush giving permission for the Descendants shuttle to land, he radioed Vanessa to get ready, their ride down was about to arrive. Volker got up and relayed to Brody that he was leaving to join Vanessa and the rest of the volunteers, which included Varro, T.J and Jonas Quinn.

        Jonas Quinn volunteered basically because he was very curious to see the outside of Destiny, this way he would quench his curiosity while been useful. T.J. was going because she was the medical officer aboard Destiny and if the crew down on the planet needed medical attention she was on her way, Vanessa was the armed escort for the team, and she was very worried about Col. Young, her commanding officer was like a father to her. In the past her main reason would be Scott, but that died a while back when she realized that Scott loved Chloe and that would chance very soon. To tell the truth Vanessa James began to have a crush on another man aboard Destiny but was very secretive of that crush mainly because she felt that she wasn’t as smart as him, seen that he was a scientist, and felt that he could be very interested on a warrior woman. Varro went as backup to help Vanessa and to keep an eye on T.J., Volker went because he genuinely wanted to help.

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