Rules of Meli- do not be out at night
Do not enter the forest or leave it, upon entering you are no longer free, the second you leave the shade of the trees you will be killed unless a child, if a child they may be questioned if they wish to go back or not and all in a weeks time who leave the forest is spared to see if they are searching for the child.
If killed someone, kidnaped someone or stole from someone the ruler will hunt you down no matter age or gender to be punished by the person who you stole or kidnapped or those who were at least most effected by what you did- they can enslave you for a time or life, kill you, release you, or give you torture and the ruler will do it.....
You can meet Samuel, Samantha, Denim, Flaska, Glitch, Bae, Razzberry, Flare, the grape twins, Paprika, Ursa, Gonvar, and me on this island- no one else will be mentioned or have great effects and main interactions except these ones
Name: Everyone calls her the 'forbidden princess' and 'water princess' but no one has found out her name yet (Sapphire/Lapis Azure Lazuli)
Age: 15 and has been the first resident there and probably has been there her whole life
Sexuality: unknown but so far is most likely asexual