Bucky x Child!Reader

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*ok so buck may be a weee bit ooc, but it's okay, it's fine*

"Buck...I love you buddy, but I don't think this is a good idea." Steve warned, eyeing Bucky's robotic arm getting dangerously close to a bucket of water.

"I'll be fine. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?"

"Dad...what are you doing?" His hand froze as he glanced up at (Y/n), giving her a sheepish smile.

"I can't be tamed!!" Bucky yelled, shoving his entire arm into the bucket of ice cold water. Was it the best moment of his life? Yep. Did he regret it afterwards after falling to the ground from electrocution? Not a single ounce of regret traced his body.

Now, after (Y/n) convinced Steve to calm down and carry her idiotic father to the lab, she went to Tony to ask about fixing his arm if there was any damage.

"Heyy Uncle Tony...would you mind doing me a small favor?" He glanced over at her curiously, knowing that he'd have to fix something.

"What happened this time, kiddo?" She grinned and walked a bit closer to the older male, "Well, Mr. Barnes decided to pull the stupidest thing he's ever done today. So, him and Cap are in the kitchen right? Hanging out like the bros they are. When I walk in for a glass of water, Dad has his metal arm centimeters away from a bucket filled with water."

Tony's face fell, "Oh no.."

"I ask him what he's doing and he just stares at me for a moment, before yelling at the top of his lungs, 'I can't be tamed' and shoving his entire arm into the bucket. Then, me and Cap watch helplessly as he falls to the ground shaking and muttering nonsense from electrocution. It took me twenty minutes to calm the old man down.." As she recapped the situation, Stark managed to keep a straight face..until she got to the part of 'I can't be tamed'.

He was on the floor crying and wheezing, while curling up into a ball from laughing. She didn't find it funny at all, Bucky could've gotten seriously hurt and here she was, trying to get help and not gaining any progress.

"Thanks Tony for the support, really feeling the love with this one." (Y/n) snapped, turning away from the immature superhero and back to her father.

* * *

"Told you it wasn't a good idea Buck, now (Y/n) is angry." Bucky was sitting up on a stainless steel table, his metal arm lying limp on his lap and his hair an even rattier mess than usual.

"What I have done that hasn't made her angry?" He retorted, recalling several instances where he's pissed off his daughter.

"The rare times when you'd apologize for your actions and make it up to her. Which are slowly becoming more common."

Bucky sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "I'm not the only one she gets pissed at, especially when your the witness to my idiocy."

Steve shrugged and grabbed a nearby chair, sitting to where he could rest his arms on the back of it. "I don't stop your stupid decisions because your the one getting hurt and somewhat learning from your mistakes."

The door slammed open and a certain female stormed in, a disapproving frown etching her normally pleasant features. "Tony's no help now."

Bucky looked at her, "Why'd you go to the toaster?"

She looked at him, completely dumbfounded, "Oh I don't know...it could be because as we sit here a certain metallic arm of yours is laying limp in your lap as you casually talk to Cap."

Steve held back a snicker, seeing how much trouble his beloved buddy is in. Bucky shot him a death glare, "Shut your mouth."

(Y/n) let out a sigh, rubbing her eyes to avoid crying. She gave up after a moment and ran to her fathers side, hugging him out of anger, relief, and who knows what else.

Bucky chuckled and wrapped his good arm around her, rubbing her back as he felt tears soak through his shirt. Steve just sat there, watching the moment in silence with a soft smile on his lips.

Using his good arm, Bucky gently pulled (Y/n) away from his chest and wiped her escaping tears with his thumb. "Why are you crying? Did I hurt you?"

She let out a shaky breath, "You could've been seriously hurt dad...I don't need to lose you after everything we've been through."

Steve reached over and gave her a few reassuring pats on her back, "Your dads' a tough cookie kiddo. He wouldn't do half the crap he does without making sure it wouldn't hurt him too bad."

"And even though I hate it when he hurts himself for entertainment or curiosity, I can't help but love him for the dork he is." She replied, keeping an arm around Bucky for support.

He put his arm around her shoulder, leaning in and kissing her temple. "I can't help but love you for the spoiled brat you are."

"Not like I choose to be spoiled, the team just loves me too much." She retorted, grinning.

Bucky smiled and held her closer to him, "Damn right they do."

Steve got up from his seat and joined the duo in a group hug, not having anything else to do. "Language Barnes." He said, squeezing them a bit more.

"Oh bite me Rogers."


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