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Zack's POV

Bella has been gone for roughly 1 and a half weeks now, I have men searching for her and I have interrogated John. He promised me that no Poison Darts left the building between the times Bell was taken. So it wasn't PDs who took her, must've been some other threat. Us magic people especially Sonas have many enemies. I've ruled it out to either werewolf or vampires, demons don't mind us unless we have hurt them in someway and from what I know Bell doesn't like to hurt anyone. Werewolves, because either one of them is mated to her or because her birth parents did something to annoy the certain pack and they've come to get revenge. The vampires because they want her blood. 

I'm searching day and night only stopping to rest, I use my ice powers to keep me hydrated and sheltered. I have men searching all of the bigger packs, more skilled packs. I have already searched 12 different packs, and 2 vampire covens. I'm headed for the Star Pack, then the Northern Pack after those 2 packs I'll have to turn around and head back for more packs, because that's the edge of all the Packs in the Northern part of the town.

"Morning John" I call out

"Morning Zack" he replies

"Anything I can do for you?" he asks

"No thanks, you can head back and relax for today" I say

"I'll be finishing off the last 2 packs then I'll head back, if I find her I'll send for help" I finish

"Alrighty thanks" he says

I quickly eat my toast and head out to the last 2 packs. I am hoping that I find Bell soon, and am able to bring her back without many lives being lost. 2 hours later I arrive at the Star Pack, they greet me warmly and offer me food I politely decline knowing not to take food in case it is poisoned. I ask to meet with the Alpha of the pack and they obliged.

"Alpha Hurst" I greet him bowing slightly

"Mr Eastwood" he replies

"You may sit" he says nodding towards the chair

"Thank you Alpha" I reply

"I've been told you are looking for someone" Alpha Hurst says calmly

"Yes, and I was wondering if she is here, she has long brown blonde hair, hazel eyes, slightly tanned and is called Bella" I explain

"Sorry we can't help you" the Alpha bows his head sadly

"That's alright" I reply standing to leave

"If my mate had been taken I would've ripped the kidnappers heads off" he says anger flaring slightly

"Yes I would like to do that but I don't have your strength" I agree

"Your right, hope you find her" he says bidding me goodbye

"Thank you for your time, bye" I say

I sigh defeated, one more pack then heading home. But I will never give up on Bell, she's out there somewhere I just need to look harder. I set off towards the Northern Pack, 4 hours later I arrive panting and heaving. I sit under a tree to catch my breath and freshen up, not wanting to give a bad first impression.

 "Hello may I speak to your Alpha?" I ask the guards

"Who are you and why?" they growl back

"I'm Zack Eastwood, a sona looking for his girlfriend" I explain 

"And what does that have to do with us?" they ask

"I was wondering if your pack could help me find her or if you might have her here" I say calmly 

"Alright, let me inform the Alpha" the shorter guard says

His eyes cloud over telling me that he is mind-linking the Alpha. "He allows you to proceed" he informs

"Thank you" I say

I head in keeping my eyes peeled for Bell, werewolves are running around preparing for what seems to be a party or feast of some sort. I am lead to a office with the plaque 'Alpha Lawrence' on it. I gently knock, and hear a muffled come in. I open the door to reveal a man in about his 20s sitting at the desk, ruffling through papers. 

"Hello alpha Lawrence, I am here to speak about my girlfriend who went missing a week and a bit ago" I start

"Yes, go on" he smiles pleasantly 

"I was wondering if any of your wolves have brought a human female here in the past 2 weeks?" I ask 

"Yes, but they are mates" he adds

"Did she have long brown blonde hair, hazel eyes slightly tanned and called Bella?" I ask

"Um.....No" he answers seeming like he;s having an inner battle

"Why was there hesitation?" I ask boldly 

"Because I was trying to remember" he says straight faced

"I think you should leave now" Alpha Lawrence says ushering me out

"May I go to the bathroom first?" I ask innocently but planning to look around

"Um...yes but be quick" he says nervously 

"Thank you" I reply feeling slightly bad about lying

I walk in the direction the Alpha told me, then veered away from the bathroom. I turn the corner so sharply I bump into someone. I look down to see a pale, blonde guy with grey blue eyes.

"Oh sorry mate" I apoligise

"No worries, I haven't seen you around the name's Liam" he grins

"Yeah I'm just visiting, my name's Zack" I reply

"Oh, um okay I'd better go" he says his demeanour changing from calm to flustered and maybe angry

"Ok bye" I say but he already left


Sorry it wasn't that exciting, just thought you needed an update on Zack! Next chapter will be in Bell's POV

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