Chap. 10

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Chapter. 10
'Need to know'

Private messages between Echo and Logan

Echo - I think Corbyn suspect something..

MopHead - What do you mean you think Corbyn suspect something??

Echo - He texted me asking if there was something going on between you and me

MopHead - And? What did you tell him?

Echo - That there is nothing happening between us but he didn't believe me at first but I think I played it off

MopHead - When was this?

Echo - A little over 10 minutes ago

MopHead - Okay are you busy right now?

Echo - I just got done with a photo shoot

MopHead - Do you have anything else happening?

Echo - I have a meeting with my team about....well you know what it's about

MopHead - You told them?

Echo - I didn't have too

MopHead - What do you mean?

Echo - They have been suspecting something for a while and when they confronted me about it I had really no choice but to tell them

MopHead - Okay I understand that

Echo - Did you tell your team?

MopHead - No I didn't. They don't need to know yet.

Echo - When do you plan on telling them?

MopHead - Idk maybe before we tell the boys? I just don't want them to flip out

Echo - Okay yea that's fine

Echo - But anyways I'm at the office so I have to go

MopHead - Okay bye

Echo - Bye

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