Apple ( part 5 last )

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I try to look away but I can't
He's so pretty

" umm.... th .... thank.. y.. you for help " I stammer quickly

" oh no need sweetie" he said

I look away and trying to smile
I never smiled to any person
and I can't look into his eyes
I'm going to cry
I'm so tender
I can't let my feeling go out
even when I try I'll  cry
don't be so nice to me
I don't deserve it
I think I should run again
I can't be close to him
I'm not a good person
he is so kind and
I opposite
we are different

" can I have your phone number" hey cut my thoughts I look at his face he blushing and scrabble his neck

I wonder
is this the beginning


لقد وصلت إلى نهاية الفصول المنشورة.

⏰ آخر تحديث: Apr 08, 2018 ⏰

أضِف هذه القصة لمكتبتك كي يصلك إشعار عن فصولها الجديدة!

short stoies حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن