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Quinn blinked herself downstairs in an instant; she was thankful it was still daylight, otherwise the entire house would have been flooded with lights, making the fact that someone was there a lot more obvious. The blond stretched up and looked through the peephole on the door. "Oh, shit," Quinn breathed out, pushing herself off the door and quickly glancing behind her. "I told you to wait upstairs," Quinn whispered, momentarily forgetting that only Rachel could hear her.

"I didn't want you going alone," Rachel whispered back as she made her way down the hall, knowing she could be heard, "Who is it?"

"Your idiot ex-boyfriend," Quinn said back, her tone bitter, "He's with some other moron out there; look and see for yourself and then explain to me how he found you here."

Rachel lowered her head in contempt as she walked by Quinn, accidentally brushing their hands together, as she made her way to the door. Quinn's lips parted in a silent gasp as she watched Rachel pause and turn to look back at her with a soft smile. "Can you feel that like I can?"

Quinn blinked in shock as she cocked her head to the side. "You can feel me…?"

The brunette somehow met Quinn's eyes and nodded, adding, "I can feel when you enter a room, sit or stand near me, and when you touch me somehow. Can you feel me?" Rachel asked, hopefully.

After a moment of hesitation, Quinn lied, "No."

The girl's eyes met for an instant - always unknown to Rachel, Quinn thought in amusement - before their thoughts were interrupted by another knock on the door. Rachel calmly turned away from the ghost and made her way to the door. Quinn let out a long sigh as her eyes slid closed the moment the brunette opened the door.

"Finn… Noah, what are you two doing here?" Quinn heard Rachel ask from her spot behind the door. She moved to stand right behind Rachel in curiosity.

Finn was wearing what Quinn could only best describe to be a gassy infant look, and the other guy with Finn was staring at Rachel with sympathetic eyes.

"I could ask you the same thing, Rachel," Finn began, bringing his eyes up to roam the house over Rachel's head, "Puck says the Fabrays are out of town."

Quinn gulped silently as she turned to fully face Rachel. She's good at keeping her calm, Quinn thought, as she watched the girl not break her façade once. "They are indeed, Finn. Ever since Puck told me that this house is rumored to be haunted, I did some research and found that vandals often come in here whilst the Fabrays are away. I decided to do some house-sitting for them."

Quinn turned and faced Finn to judge his reaction to the lie. Her heart dropped as she saw him shaking his head. "No, Rachel… You've been visiting this house for weeks because you think the "ghost" is here. I've watched you sitting in here talking to yourself…"

Quinn's eyes widened, mimicking Rachel's actions, as the brunette hastily shook her head. "You're mistaken, Finn," she rambled out when she saw the direction that the situation was heading in. Quinn knew there was no point in Rachel trying to make Finn believe the truth; he wouldn't believe her, hell, most sane people wouldn't believe Rachel.

"You need help, Rachel, okay? I'm going to help you. I love you, so I'm going to help you," Finn cooed. Quinn felt a slow panic build up within her as she watched Puck push off the pillar by the porch and make his way next to Finn. "Just come with us, Rachel."

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