Chapter VI- Lets go!

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"What a weird dream"-Levan was lying in his bed with closed eyes. He has just woken up and was thinking sleepily,"A girl with fox ears and tail and only one glove was hanging on a tree,wow. And then I adopted her. I really have to..."

He opened his eyes and saw a face above his,which was looking at him smiling and with widely opened eyes.

Leva screamed,quickly got up and hit the person with his forehead.

- What? You mean it was true?!

- Hue,guten morgen,-Alexa said laughing,-be more careful when you get up,-she rubbed her forehead.

- Oh sorry. I was just a lil bit surprised.

- You think that everything that happened tomorrow was a dream,right?-she asked.

- How did you know?-Leva was scared,-don't you mean...

- I can read thoughts a lil,but only sometimes,don't ask if....

- What am I thinking about now?

- Baka,-Alexa frowned,-I said that I can catch the thought sometimes.

- Oh,ha ha,okay,-he smiled awkwardly and moved towards his wardrobe.

"Thanks god I don't have school today"-Leva thought,"I promised Karma to meet her near the pizzeria and give her notebook back. What to put on?"

He chose a black t-shirt with a creeper on it and put off his pajama.

He started complaining while was looking at himself in the mirror:

- I'm so fat. I wish I wasn't so fat. I wish I were like....

He didn't finish his phrase because he noticed that Alexa was sitting on the floor and staring at him. He realized that he wore nothing but boxers and screamed like a girl:

- AAAAAH! What are you doing here?!

- Wooooooeeeee,-she was staring at him like he was a giant chocolate yummy cake(Alexa really loves sweets,especially chocolate),-you're not fat,dude. You're FAB.

- No,don't look at me!-he tried to cover himself with hands.

- You act like a girl,-she frowned,turned away and covered eyes,-are you fine with this now? Or do I have to cover myself with a blanket? -she asked sarcastically.

- Stop,-Leva said angrily and put on the t-shirt and dark jeans,- you better do what you have to do. Collect information,kill our presidents or take over our country,whatever

- Aye! And I'm gonna start right now,-she smiled evilly,-you're going somewhere and I'm going with you!

- What? No way!-he denied,- you won't go with me.

- Why can't I?-she made cute and ,at the same time,sad eyes,-don't you mean you won't show me anything here? Don't you mean I have to go alone into the outer world and let the evil dudes catch me? Don't you mean that?!-small tears appeared in her big blue eyes.

- Okay,okay,you can go with me!- he couldn't stand that stare,- but pretend like you're just my relative that came yesterday.

- Yes,my lord! Whatever you say!-she smiled and added,-pretending is the best thing i can do!

- Amazing,but it's not enough. You are dressed up very weirdly,I need to give you normal clothes,okay?

- Woooo,wearing my lord's clothes,-she gasped.

- Don't call me like that,-he said while he was looking at old clothes in his wardrobe. He found some things and said,- your shirt is the weirdest part of your outfit. Well,not including ears and tail. Your shorts are fine,but I'm not sure about boots.

He was thinking for a while and then said:

- Okay,I'll give you this,-he gave her his white and black t-shirt with red lines on it,-I don't wear this one,so it's perfectly clean. Try it on.

Alexa was staring at this t-shirt for a while,smelled it and then put it on Leva's bed. She shamelessly put off both of her shirts(look at the cover of the story) and put Leva's one on.

Levan didn't expect this and was just standing there shocked.

- Did you just... Did you just change clothes in front of me..?-he asked slowly.

- I think I did. What's wrong with you,dude?-she waved hand in front if his face because he looked like he was hypnotized.

- What's wrong? You put off your clothes in front of a guy and didn't even have any shame!

- But I had a bra on...-she got scared of him a little.

- So what? This doesn't... Oh okay,never mind,-he covered his face with a hand,- I see it's useless to explain this to you. Hmmmm,-he was looking at her for a while and then smiled and said,- I guess you look fine now. But what to do with these ears and tail...

- Who cares,anyway?-Alexa said happily,-come on,show me your town! Notch,I'm so happy and afraid at the same time! Let's go,let's go,-she grabbed his hand and hurried him up,-faster! You get ready like a gurl!

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