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Maddie's P.O.V

"All I want is one peaceful night without you or what you call daughters bossing me around!" My father screamed at my mother. I quickly increased the volume on my headphones, Change Your Life blaring in my ears.

"I wish..." I thought hopelessly.

I listened to their soothing voices until I heard an earth-shattering scream; my mothers. I slowly crept downstairs, only to regret it. If I could erase any memory from my eight-year old life, it would be this one. My father, the man that I have known and loved since birth, has finally lost it. He had grabbed the gun he claimed was only for emergencies and shot my mother. My beautiful mother. One look at her lifeless body and my sad face peering behind the staircase and he realized what he had done. All of a sudden, my younger sister Kenzie appeared behind me. At the young age of four, she was next to clueless about what happened.

"Mad, why isn't mommy waking up? And, and why is daddy crying? Sissy, what's going on?" Kenzie demanded pulling on my shirtsleeve.

I was to shocked to answer. My dad stopped pacing, looked us dead in the eye, mumbled goodbye, and pulled the trigger.

"Mad-Maddie?" Kenzie asked, her voice small.

"Yes, Kenz?" I replied, tears running down my face as I sunk to her level.

"Mommy and daddy aren't waking up... Are they?" Kenzie asked quietly, knowing what just happened was real.

I didn't need words. We both know what happened. Instead, I took her body in my arms as we sobbed to each other.


Why hello there. I'm Ashley, and I really hope you enjoy the story! :)

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