Part 3

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The door was barred by black and yellow police tape, but Tashigi ignored it as she swiped the key card and stepped under the tape into the room. Smoker stood before the threshold, rolling the cigar Crocodile had given him between his fingers. He was distracted. His mind always seemed to wander when the cravings took hold.

This time, they were wandering to the door adjacent to Hawkins' room, the gilded number looming, beckoning him. He wondered is she was in there. He wondered if she would answer if he knocked, if she'd give him that same coy half smile she had shown in the lobby and invite him inside and—

A short scream interrupted his thoughts. At any other time, he would have welcomed the intrusion, but he recognised the voice as Tashigi's. He burst through the yellow tape, the expensive cigar forgotten in favour of his gun, which he kept pointed at the floor as he switched on the light. Tashigi stood with her back pressed against the wall by the light switch, looking somewhat sheepish.

"I'm sorry, I thought there was someone in here, but it was just... this..."

Smoker breathed a sigh of relief and holstered his gun, taking a step forward to examine the figure seated in the armchair by the fireplace. He understood why Tashigi had screamed. At first glance, it was as if Basil Hawkins had returned to life and had simply been asleep in his armchair all this time. A perfect replica of the magician sat in the chair, it's limbs stiff and immoveable and it's face devoid of emotion. Smoker shuddered.

"I don't blame you. What the hell is this thing?"

"It looks like... some kind of decoy? Part of his act maybe?" Tashigi prodded the effigy with the end of her pen. "It's stuffed with straw," she exclaimed, pushing her glasses higher onto her nose to get a better look.

"Straw, huh..." Smoker mused. "Highly flammable. Maybe this was what was supposed to burn on that stage, not Hawkins. It's a damn good likeness but failing to switch out the real thing with this is not exactly a mistake you just make."

Tashigi nodded emphatically. "This was definitely not just an accident."

"Make a note to ask the assistant about it when we get her down to the station later. In the meantime, let's see what else we can find."

They searched the room top to bottom but turned up no further clues. There were no signs anything had been tampered with, no evidence there was any kind of scuffle that could lead to a suspect. Smoker was just about to call it quits when he noticed the white corner of a card peeking out from between the cushions of the chaise lounge. He strode over to it and pulled the card free.

It was a tarot card from the major arcana. A hooded figure dressed all in black, a scythe in one hand and a white lily in the other. The Roman numeral XIII was printed in black along the bottom and beside it, 'Death'.

"Well, that's not ominous at all..." he growled.

Tashigi peered over his shoulder. "It looks like it's been custom made. Look, it has the artist's signature in the corner."

She was right.

"Trafalgar D. Law. Why is that name familiar?"

"Probably because he's a guest here at the hotel." Tashigi held up the guest list Crocodile's assistant had given her. "Looks like he's a fellow magician too."

Smoker gave her a meaningful look. "Rivalry as motive, perhaps?"

"Could be. We won't know unless we talk to him."

Smoker nodded. "Find out what room he's in. We'll pay him a visit." Guess his smoke break would have to wait.

They exited the room, Tashigi letting the door click shut behind her. The door of the room next door clicked open and [Name] peered out.

"I heard a scream." Her eyes were rimmed in red instead of their usual dramatic cat eye and she clutched the lapels of a silk night gown close to her chest. She looked younger like this, Smoker thought. Just a girl caught up the glitz and glam of Vegas.

Tashigi smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I was just startled. I didn't mean to disturb you."

[Name] sighed and stepped out into the hall. "It's fine. It's not I was getting any sleep anyway." Her gaze turned to Smoker. "Did you find anything interesting?"

"You mean besides the perfect likeness of your employer sitting there like this is Madame Tussauds?"

"Yeah that thing always creeped me out too... It should have been it burnt to a crisp on that stage." Her voice was hoarse, as if she had been crying, and it cracked at the end. "I'm sorry."

"No need to apologise. We understand you've been through something traumatic, but when you're ready, we'd like to see you down at the station for more thorough questioning."

"Of course, Detective. Whatever you need."

"We'll call you with the details."

She smiled wanly. "Mm, a handsome cop has my number and all he wants is to talk about work, work, work. Such a shame."

"It's necessary for the investigation."

She hummed, looking him up and down. "Well, until then Detectives." She nodded to each of them and returned to her room, shutting her door tightly behind her after one last lingering glace in Smoker's direction.

Tashigi exhaled. "That woman... I can't tell what her angle is."

Smoker didn't reply. Truth was, he didn't know either. Normally he could read people as easily as a magician reads cards, but there was something odd about [Name]. Every time he thought he had her pegged, she showed him someone different. A mistress of illusions. He supposed that was why she was in show business.

"I need a smoke," he said gruffly, becoming suddenly very aware of the trembling in his hand. "Let me know when you've located the magician."

Before Tashigi could protest his bad habit, he strode away, his heavy boots echoing in the empty hall.

Smoke and Mirrors (Detective!Smoker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now