Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten: A Happily Ever After

Harry crawled into bed next to Autumn and threw his arm around her waist sloppily. He kissed the back of her neck and whispered into her ear, “I love you.”

She smiled and turned around to her other side, “I love you more.”

“That, beautiful liar, is impossible.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes really, really. Let me show you how much I love you tomorrow. I wanna take you out somewhere fancy.” Harry bribed.

“You don’t have to do that.” she kissed him on his nose.

“But I want to.” he insisted.

“Okay fine, but how fancy do I have to dress?”

“Really fancy, wear a dress.”

“When are we going to go?”

“I’ll pick you up at seven, it’ll be a date.”

“You want me to wait till seven to eat supper; you must be out of your mind. Do you remember who I am?” she teased.

“Fine, six.” he chuckled.

“That sounds better.” she smiled and snuggled closer to him.

“Goodnight beautiful.”

“Goodnight, Harry. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

* * *

Autumn woke up around eleven and Harry was already out of bed, she looked around and found a small note on the bedside table.


It’s a date, can’t see me till then. Look beautiful as always when you’re sleeping. See you at 6!



She smiled reading the note and took herself out of the room to the kitchen to pour herself a bowl of cereal.

She turned on Netflix and found episodes of Saved by the Bell and so she put that on. She laughed and little Zach Morris and how cute he was. Not to even get her started on Mario Lopez because yum.

When she finished her cereal and her five episodes of SBTB, it was already around two and so she decided to take a shower. She got in and washed, shaved, and changed her belly button ring and while she was waiting for her hair to dry, she painted her fingernails and toenails.

She decided to paint them both a light blue with a shimmer overcoat. While those dried she watched a few episodes of TVD because Damon and Stefan are perfect. Especially Damon. I mean Ian Somerhalder is literal perfection. Does Harry mind her dreaming about other men?

After she finished it was four-thirty and she decided she better start getting ready. She changed into cute underwear and a strapless bra and put her robe on over.

She did her makeup and straightened her hair to put it in a messy, but elegant ponytail. She found her Sky Blue Bow Chiffon dress and white Mischaka heels. She found a simple pair of earrings and a bracelet and did her makeup. When she was all finished it was only a few minutes before 6.

She heard a knock on the door and opened it to find a suited up, Harry Styles.

“Hmm,” she said, “my prince has arrived and he’s even in a suit.”

“I told you it was fancy. You look beautiful, my princess.”

She smiled at him and looped her arm through his.

The restaurant wasn’t far from their apartments, so they decided to walk. Well, Harry decided to walk ignoring Autumn’s protest.

“You get to give me a foot massage tonight, then.” she laughed.

“Fine, if that’ll shut you up.” he stuck out his tongue at her.

“Very mature.”

“I know right.”

He pecked her on the lips as the rounded the corner to the restaurant. Autumn’s eyes widened, she didn’t think it was going to be this fancy. They even had valet, not that they drove, but it was an option.

“Wow.” she breathed.

“I told you.”

She laughed as he opened the door for her to walk in.

He told her his name to confirm his reservation and then she lead you both to a table off to the back corner of the restaurant.

“This place is beautiful.” Autumn remarks, looking at the menu.

“Not as beautiful as you.”

She looks over her menu, “that was cheesy, even for you.”

He laughs and looks down at his menu. The waiter comes to take their order, “I’ll have the spaghetti with meat sauce, and a coke.” Harry says and hands him the menu.

“I’ll have the shrimp Alfredo and a root beer, please and thank you.” Autumn smiles at him and gives him her menu.

“That wasn’t necessary.” Harry raises his eyebrow at her.

“What wasn’t necessary?” she asks, confused.

“The flirting.”

“You mean being polite?” she laughs at his jealousy.

“Why are you laughing?” he pouts.

“Because I think it’s hilariously adorable that you are jealous of the waiter while I am playing footsie with you underneath the table.”

Harry blushes slightly and that makes Autumn giggle.

The waiter returns with their drinks and a basket of breadsticks.

They talk about little things while they wait for their food.

While they are eating, they don’t talk too much, but it’s not awkward, it’s comfortable.

When they are finished the waiter brings chocolate cake for dessert and Autumn starts eating while Harry starts talking.

“Hey Autumn.”

“Hmm?” she says, taking bites of her cake.

“I love you. I love you so much and I want you to know that I do not want to spend a day without you. We were apart for a long time and that whole time my heart hurt, it physically hurt me. That was when I realized the extent of my love. It was infinite because even though you were halfway around the world, I still longed for you. And not just to get you in my bed, my to hold you, to see that beautiful smile of yours, or just that gleam in your eyes when I say your name. And that gleam is the reason I know that you feel the same about me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Harry gets up from his chair and walks over to Autumn, gets down on one knee, pulls out a box and finishes, “Please tell me you want to spend the rest of your life with me, too. Will you marry me?”

Autumn has tears streaming down her cheeks and her makeup is all smeared, “Yes. Yes, A million times yes!” she shouts.

He puts the ring on her finger and pulls her up to wrap her in his arms. “She said yes!” he shouts to the whole restaurant and everyone cheers for them.

Harry pays the check and when they walk out of the restaurant they are greeted with all their friends.

“Did you already tell them?” Autumn looks over at Harry and he nods his head.

“I also called your dad last night and asked permission.” he smiles, while trying to hide his blush.

“Aw, you are so sweet. I love you.”


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