Familiarly Unfamiliar

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You woke up in a daze, feeling odd and unsettled. Maybe it was the fact that the bed you're laying in wasn't your own. Maybe it was because you weren't in your own room. Maybe it was because the world you're in, wasn't yours. You get out of the bed, and search around the room. A desk, a bookshelf, and a nearby closet was all it housed. You were about to leave the room, knowing this was a dream and nothing else, and the sooner you get through it, the sooner you wake up.
Taking one last look around the room, you felt a strange familiarity to it. Had you had another dream about this place? No, that wasn't quite it. Something else.... You put your hand on the door knob and nearly turned it, when you heard loud and heavy footsteps. You backed away from the door quickly.
"Oh God," someone yelled. "He's after us!"
There was more running. It was getting closer. You backed away more and more until you fell back on the bed. Something is coming, and you needed to hide.
'The closet,' you thought, running to your shelter and shutting the door behind you.
"Shit, shit, shit," the voice echoed. "Please don't be locked."
The door to your room burst open and you held back a yelp. Whatever was out there was in here now. And it looked like it had the same idea as you.
The closet door flew open, shedding light on you. The man stared at you with blue eyes full of confusion until he said in a Swedish accent, "Sorry, didn't realize this was occupied."
A loud thud out in the hallway made you grab his hand and pull him in. Darkness surrounded you both. You could hear your heart beating hard in your chest - or was that his? You were so close to him you couldn't tell. You still had a death-grip on his wrist, yet you couldn't bring yourself to let him go.
The loud thuds continued for what seemed like hours. You were shocked that the blue-eyed boy had kept quiet so long. He was so loud outside that he had been what you had feared. The thudding slowly left and for a few minutes there was pure silence until-
"Damn, that was scary!"
"Shhhhh! That thing might not be far off," you chided. "What was it anyways?"
He made a noise likened to 'I don't know'. "I call him 'Bro'."
"That's...." you were going to say ridiculous, but that's not quite what you felt. "...familiar."
"Hey, um...can we get out of this closet?" he asked sheepishly. "Not that I don't like being close to you but-"
You quickly opened the door and exited the claustrophobia-inducing space. His words had gotten you flustered and a tad embarrassed for holding a conversation in a closet.
"Sorry, I forgot," you mumbled, turning to him. In the light, you could she that his hair was a sandy blonde color and he was a good bit taller than you. He looked like he couldn't be much over 21 or so. He was even a little be scruffy.
"No big deal," he smiled. "In normal circumstances, I wouldn't protest being in a closet with a pretty lady."
You blushed.
"But, honestly, this is far from normal."
You took another look around. "What is this place?"
The man thought for a moment. "I really don't know, but I feel like I should...."
You nodded, understandingly. "Same here."
"But wherever we are, it's creepy as hell."
He walked over to the door and casually opened it. Strolling into the hall. You ran after him.
"Are you crazy!?" you whispered. "That...thing could still be lurking!"
"They don't seem to stay around long," he mused.
"How long have you been in this house?"
The blonde shrugged. "Couple hours or more. What about you?"
"Only a few minutes that I've been awake. So I'm not sure. Though I couldn't have been here too long, you're loud mouth would've woke me up long before this," you joked.
"Shut up," he laughed. "My voice just carries very well in these halls."
You took a minute to study him again. He was wearing a tee-shirt and jeans. Leaning up against the wall, he seemed oddly comfortable in his surroundings. His Swedish accent brought you out of your thoughts again.
"Like what you see, eh?" he grinned and made a cliché model pose. "Eat your heart out."
"Not to sound rude or anything," you said, ignoring his stupid poses. "But who the hell are you exactly?"
He smirked. "Felix. But I call myself Pewdiepie! Or Pewdie for short. Sometimes Pewds or....." he babbled on about his different nicknames until he realized you weren't listening. "And you are...?"
"______," you stated. "No nicknames."
"We'll fix that," Felix winked.

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