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1. Yes

2. No

3. May 12

4. Cynthia

5. Purple, blue, turquoise, can't really choose but those are a couple.

6. Can't choose but the first ones that come to mind r stranger things, Sherlock, Supernatural, Gravity Falls and Steven Universes
7. I have a dog

8. Ummm.. I think a friend from

9. *Puts playlist on random* History Maker by Dean Fujioka from Yuri On Ice

 *Puts playlist on random* History Maker by Dean Fujioka from Yuri On Ice

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1. Yes

2. I don't know (probably not)

3. Uhhhhhh..... * looks at stacks of books next to bed*  ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ

4. Hmmm.   I guess California

5. Everywhere *gets in tardis*

6. I suck at this I can't decide but right now I guess the greatest show from the greatest showman or a Melanie Martinez song

7. Fall out boy, Panic at the Disco!, BTS


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