mbti (don't remember what it stands for off the top of my head) is a test that puts out into one of 16 personalities.
many people on tumblr view it as a WAY more reliable version of the zodiac signs.
your type comes from one of 4 categories
introvert or extrovert ( I or E)
intuition or observant (N or S)
thinking of feeling (T or F)
prospective or judging (P or J)there's another category but it tends to be less used (assertive or turbulent- i don't even remember what i am here)
but what does all of that mean?!?!?
introverts prefer alone time and have more energy when they get this alone time, extroverts prefer to be with people and get more energy being with people.
intuitive people know things based off patterns in information while observing people know things based off their senses (basically intuitive use their mind observers use their body)
thinkers use more logic and feelers use more emotions
judgers tend to keep their mental track clear, they make a plan and stick to it (or maybe several plans and use the best one) while prospectors tend to make every possible plan and follow none of them, and tend to be more 'go with the flow'
so that's mbti
now if you haven't take the test go take it and comment your type.
now that you've done that here's a mbti thing for you
"absent minded professor: forgets name, meetings, pants-" yes i do "but darn are they clever" yes
"might murder you for fun" now i'm not denying that at all
"should get an OSCAR for acting like they're ok" i'd like to thank literally no one
ok bye bye now