Chapter 5 : Meet my familiar

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A/n : before we start i have you say SEASON 4 IN 1 DAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! I'm so existed i cant wait even tho i like the old animation but hey beggars cant be choosers anyway i cant wait so yeah on with the chapter 


(in the underworld)

??? P.o.v 

as y/n left i returned to the underworld to tell  Sirzechs what happened but i couldn't help but think about that boy and the power he gave out was he really the son of great red no i thought great red didn't have one and he's human right?

i came to a door and knocked and heard Sirzechs 

Sirzechs : yes come in

as i entered i seen the Four Great Satan's and they all look at me 

Sirzechs : yes grayfia did everything go to plan 

Falbium : what plan 

Sirzechs : oh nothing but anyway is that all grayfia 

Grayfia : no riser picked a fight with a human but there was something off

Sirzechs : a human?? what was his name 

Grayfia : he said his name was Y/n Red L/n he said he was the son of great red

just then the Four Great Satan's turned pale and started to panic

Ajuka : that idiot out of all people to fight he had to pick y/n

Grayfia : what do you mean 

Serafall : grayfia y/n is super strong he can even beat us why did riser have to start a fight with him 

Sirzechs looks at Serafall with a grin on his face 

Sirzechs : well look at that Serafall is worried about her new lover 

Serafall : *blushing* I'm not don't say something stupid 

as all of them laugh for a bit they decided to speak with y/n to see if he would reconsider for risers sake

(Timeskip) to the orc

Rias P.o.v

as we were talking about training a teleport circle as Four Great Satan's and grayfia stepped out and me and my peerage bow in respect 

Rias : what brings you here brother 

Sirzechs : we wish to speak to Y/n about something is he here

just then sona walks in with her peerage

Sona : sister what are you doing here

Serafall : we are here to speak to y/n about his fight with riser

and then she explains everything to them that they want to see if he will change his mind about the fight 

Rias : what if he doesn't change his mind 

Sirzechs : send flowers and our condolences

as they all begin to laugh a bit  y/n walks in 

Y/n : nice to see you all laughing but why is everyone here 

they all look at y/n and Serafall starts speaking

Serafall : y/n we wanted to speak to you about the fight with riser and were hoping of you to change your mind

Y/n : sorry cutie but not gonna happy he started a fight I'm going to finish it

as Serafall blushes at your comment everyone else starts to laugh but is try to hold it in and then Sirzechs speaks to you

Sirzechs : anyway y/n can you not kill him then 

Y/n : ill think about it 

Sirzechs : thank you well if that's all we shall take our leave 

as they are about to leave i stop them 

Y/n : before you all leave i have a message for all of you 

all of them look confused  

Y/n : my dad would like to have a talk with you so I'm going to take you to him 

as i said this most of them turned pale 

Y/n : and Issei 

Issei : y...yes

Y/n : my dad wants to meet you 

just then i could hear everyone's heart beat faster when i said this and i walk to Serafall and whisper in her ear 

Y/n : my dad has something he wants to tell you and don't worry its a good thing

and she blushes even more and rias says

Rias : y/n how do you know he wants to talk to us

y/n then smiles and says

Y/n : because he has been watching everything that's happened so far and i went to see him before i came he so yeah lets go outside everyone

as everyone went outside and were confused kiba asks

Kiba : um y/n why are we outside cant we just teleport to your dad

Y/n : no cause he lives in the  Dimensional Gap so we have to take my familiar to get to him 

Issei : you have a familiar?

Y/n : yes and he's taking us to my home 

Rias : that reminds me how did you survive the gap 

Y/n : my dad put a spell on me with let me survive in the gap now if there are no more questions lets get going 

as you said this you whistle and a few seconds later you hear a loud roar and everyone looks and see a huge dragon land in front of them

as you said this you whistle and a few seconds later you hear a loud roar and everyone looks and see a huge dragon land in front of them

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 (only supernatural beings and you can see him he is half the size of great red)

when he lands everyone jaw hits the floor as the look t this behemoth and then it speaks 

D/n : master how can i help you

Y/n : hey d/n can you take all of us to see my dad 

D/n : of course master just get on my back 

as everyone climbed on we toke off to see my dad

Y/n : before we go i need you make a force field so you can breath 

then Serafall did what i said 

Y/n : thanks cutie*winks at her*

the rest laugh and grin while Serafall just blushed and smiled 

Y/n Right next stop Dimensional Gap........

HighSchool DxD : Great Reds SonWhere stories live. Discover now