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"Hey, kid. Can you hand me that file?" Tony asked Maya who was busy staring at a giant projection of the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo. Maya blinked before looking over at him. "Sorry, what?" Maya asked.

Tony chuckled before pointing at the file in front of her. "The file. Can you hand it to me?" Tony asked. Maya nodded and grabbed the file. On the front in big letters read AVENGERS INITIATIVE PRELIMINARY REPORT. Maya handed it to Tony and he took it with a smile and a small 'thank you.'

Tony opened it and was about to start reading when a door opened from behind them signaling someone's entrance. Maya looked behind her and smiled once she saw Fury. Fury nodded in acknowledgement to her as he walked over to Tony and closed the file.

"I don't think I want you looking at that. I'm not sure it pertains to you anymore," Fury told him making both Maya and Tony furrow their eyebrows at him. Fury took the report and sat down across from the two before then handing a different file to Tony, "Now this on the other hand, is Agent Romanoff's assessment of you. Read it."

Tony looked at Fury before back down at the file and opening it. Maya quickly stood up and dragged her chair over to her father before craning her neck to see what he was looking at.

Tony stared at it for a second, trying to determine where to start reading. "Personality overview. Mr Stark displays compulsive behavior," Tony said. He stared at it for a second before looking up at Fury.

Maya quickly looked up and said, "In his defence, that was last week."

The corners of Fury's mouth turned up, but it quickly disappeared as quick as it had came. He gave Tony a look that told him to keep reading. "Prone to self-destructive tendencies," Tony muttered. He glanced over at Maya who gave him a look that said he was on his own for this one.

Tony sighed and looked up at Fury, "I was dying. I mean, please." "Aren't we all?" Maya asked and Tony chuckled slightly. "True," Tony muttered.

Tony looked back down at the file and continued reading, "Textbook narcissism?" He looked at Maya and they both looked at Fury before saying at the same time, "Agreed."

Tony then said, "Okay, here it is. "Recruitment assessment for Avenger Initiative. Iron Man? Yes." I gotta think about it." Fury rolled his eyes and said, "Read on." Tony furrowed his eyebrows before doing as Fury said.

""Tony Stark not... Not recommended"? That doesn't make any sense. How can you approve me but not approve me? I got a new ticker. I'm trying to do right by Pepper and Maya. I'm in a stable-ish relationship," Tony listed off.

Fury remained silent as he got up and walked around so that he could rest against the table by Tony's chair. "Which leads us to believe at this juncture we'd only like to use you as a consultant," Fury said.

Maya looked over at her father who stared at Fury with a blank expression for a minute longer than he should've. It was obvious that this hurt him and Maya could tell that Tony had actually wanted to be a part of this.

Tony blinked himself out of his trance before standing and offering his hand. Fury stared at Tony as he shook his hand. Tony immediately clasped his other hand on top of Fury's with a smile. "You can't afford me," he said and Maya looked over at her father with wide eyes.

However, her father had already let go of Fury's hand and was starting to walk away. "Then again, I will waive my customary retainer in exchange for a small favour. Rhodey and I are being honoured in Washington and we need a presenter," Tony said.

Fury sighed before saying, "I'll see what I can do." Tony smiled and looked over at Maya, "Come on, kid. Let's go." Maya nodded and started to get up before she turned back to look at Fury. "Thank you," Maya said as she held a hand out to shake with him. Fury smiled and shook her hand. "It's been an honor, Miss Stark," Fury said. Maya smiled and turned around to walk away, but Fury stopped her.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Agent Romanoff wanted me to give this to you," Fury said as he handed a piece of paper to Maya. Maya furrowed her eyebrows, but took it.

She opened the paper and read the address that was on the paper. Her eyes then flickered down to the writing at the bottom.

Training starts Monday at two o'clock. See you there.

Maya stared at the paper for a second before looking up at Fury. Fury just gave her a small nod and got up and walked behind his desk. Maya smiled widely and skipped out of the room to where her father was waiting for.

"What did the pirate want?" Tony asked, but Maya only smiled and took his hand. "Oh, nothing," Maya said. Tony gave her a look, but Maya ignored him. "Come on. If we don't hurry, we're going to be late and you know that Pepper hates it when we get home late," Maya told him.

- - -

"It is my honour to be here today to present these distinguished awards to Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes and Mr. Tony Stark, who is, of course, a national treasure," Stern said making Maya stifle a laugh. Pepper nudged her slightly, but even she was trying to hold back her laughter.

Stern went up to Rhodey first and pinned a medal on his shirt. "Thank you Lieutenant Colonel, for such an exceptionally distinguished performance. You deserve this," Stern said. "Thank you sir," Rhodey told him.

Stern then looked over at Tony and sighed before going up to him. "Mr. Stark. Thank you for such an exceptionally distinguished performance. You deserve this," Stern said through gritted teeth as he stuck the pin on Tony's shirt, some of it sticking Tony in the process. Tony winced and Maya had to cover her mouth because she was seriously almost on the verge of laughing out loud.

"Oh, sorry. Funny how annoying a little prick can be, isn't it? Let's get a photo," Stern said and with that, Tony, Rhodey and Stern took a picture together.

Once the ceremony was over, Tony walked off the stage and over to Pepper and Maya. He kissed Pepper before picking Maya up and placing her on his shoulders. "So what now?" Tony asked as he looked up at Maya.

"I was thinking donuts," Maya told him and Tony chuckled slightly. "How do you always seem to know exactly what I'm thinking?" Tony asked. Maya just smirked, "Cause I'm amazing. Haven't I told you this before?"

"Only a million times," Tony muttered making Pepper laugh. "And I will say it a million more!" Maya declared as loudly as she could. Tony rolled his eyes, "Okay, kid. No need to shout." Maya chuckled before leaning down to place her face right in front of her father's. She gave him a grin and said, "You know you love me." Tony smiled as Maya sat back up. "That I do, kid," Tony muttered.

"That I do."

Maya Stark will return in The Avengers

- - -

oh my gosh I can't believe this book is almost over! there's only one more chapter left which is the epilogue! I hope you all have enjoyed this book and go check out my other book while you're at it!

thanks for sticking with me for so long! I love each and every of you!

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