Chapter 1

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            I stared at the run down house for a couple minutes as my heartbeat echoed in the empty chasm in my chest. I wouldn’t say I was a happy girl in the past so I guess there was no point in dwelling with my current situation. But maybe feeling a little hollow was acceptable in my case. I mean, when your parents abandon you at a home for foster children, how else is one supposed to feel? It didn’t help my self-esteem that my parents weren’t so sincere with their goodbyes either. Actually, nothing about this helped my self-esteem. My parents are gone, my home is gone, and my peace of mind is gone with them. But I wouldn’t cry. I refused to choose this moment to be weak.

            I kicked the heels of my black chucks together and chewed on my bottom lip. I shrugged the strap of my duffel bag higher on my shoulder, bearing the weight of whatever clothes I had managed to stuff in there with twenty minutes time. Mosquitos picked at my legs and I regretted wearing shorts today. Luckily, my long sleeves kept my arms free from pests. I shifted my weight from one leg to the other as I tried to determine my next move. Not only was I unsure but I felt completely awkward. I didn’t know if I was supposed to knock or barge in. I don’t know who the head of the house is and I don’t know if they’re expecting me. Everything about this situation sucked.

            With a sigh, I made my way to the door and hesitantly knocked. I readjusted my duffel bag on my shoulder and kept my head down. There was some rustling on the other side of the door and could hear a few screams and laughs. I stared at the door knob and waited until it twisted open to meet my host. When the knob finally turned and looked up and froze.

            The handsome boy in front of me looked way too young to be a foster father.

            He was momentarily stunned but cleared his throat and collected himself.

            “Uh hello, you must the new girl.” He said.

            I blinked, but when his words registered in my head I nodded.

            “Okay, please come with me. I’ll take you to Lucia.” He offered me a friendly smile before gesturing for me to follow him.

            I shut the door behind me and followed the tall boy down a narrow hallway that led to a small kitchen and dining area. There was one table and way too many chairs- eleven to be exact, plus a high chair. There was a small fruit bowl in the center, along with salt and pepper shakers and a glass tea pot with sugar inside it. The table was clad in a plastic table cloth and I could spot some newspaper clippings underneath. There was a hefty woman slaving over a small stove, her dark skin illuminated under the kitchen light.

            “Lucia, she’s here.” The boy announced.

            The woman, Lucia, turned around and smiled brightly when her dark eyes landed on me. Most of her insanely curly hair was pulled back with a bandana on her head and her white apron was disturbed by various stains.

            “Oh, hello there, Suga’.” She greeted me. I smiled at the way she called me “sugar.”

            “Leo, be a good boy and leave the women alone for a few minutes. Go on, get.” She shooed the boy away playfully and he snickered at her before excusing himself.

            “That’s Leo, don’t mind him.” She grinned at the boy’s retreating back as he disappeared into another room.

            She wiped her hands on her apron and gestured for me to sit. She pulled out the chair beside me and joined me at the table.

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