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5:02 PM

"Hold still." Raina huffed, inserting the last eyelash. "Okay there. Blink a couple times. I wanna see." I did as she asked and she took a step back, looking at her creation and grinning wide. A little too wide to the point where it was scaring the life out of me. "I am a fucking genius."

She chose the wrong time to say that. Mom had walked right by the open door of Raina's room, standing in the threshold, her arms akimbo. "Language Raina! What have I told you?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she exclaimed, urging Mom into her room. "Look at her, Mom. Look what I did."

My mom's angry expression softened when she looked at me. "Oh Sandra, you look beautiful."

"Really?" If whatever Raina did to me got Mom from monster to teddy bear in a matter of seconds then it must have been good.

Raina handed me the mirror and my heart beat loud in anticipation. A part of me didn't think having my sister do my makeup for prom would be a good idea especially since she had just started her new obsession not too long ago. But looking at myself in the mirror I almost dropped it in the surprise of what she did.


She tilted my head up. "See. Look at that highlight. You can't tell me that I messed anything up."

"Y-you didn't." I stuttered.

"So..." She trailed off, her hands locked and pressed against her mouth.

"Wow, Raina."

"Exactly the reaction I was looking for," That smile never left her face and it made me happy that I let her do this. "Now c'mon get into the dress."

Raina and my mom waited outside as I slid into my dress. I stood there looking at myself in it, falling for it for what was probably the hundredth time when my phone buzzed. I grabbed my phone, unlocking it to look at the message.



A tiny smile came to my face as I looked at the time. Leave it to him to always be early to something when he puts his mind to it. I was convinced that Kevin has been waiting for this night longer than I have. He kept planning out everything to make it perfect and I found it endearing he was going to so much trouble.

From the limo to the cottage we were all supposed to go right after, he was way too excited but I couldn't help myself from feeding off of his energy. I think his mom was happier than he was just to see him happy.


Not yet omg you're too early


You want to me to just stand out on your porch for the rest of the night?


You want to go to prom without your date? I want you to wait until I'm ready


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