Chapter One

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The world spun,everything to him was a blur. He didn't know where he was, he could barely see and heard faint shouts. Bright lights blinded him, he was lying down but moving at what seemed the pace of a turtle. Everything seemed in slow motion and it was hard to concentrate on where he was. He was able to pinpoint that he was staring at a plain white ceiling. To either side of him were women in dark green scrubs, he could see their mouths moving but couldn't hear the words that came out. His head throbbed and his vision blurred. He couldn't see, he was blind. All of a sudden he was engulfed in pain as the distant shouts grew louder and louder, so loud he thought his head would explode. Though the voices were much louder he couldn't comprehend what they were saying. Then he felt as if he was slipping away from his body, away from the light falling deeper and deeper into darkness. He tried to scream but only feel deeper until where he once was in that hallway with the women in scrubs was only a speck of light. The shouts could no longer be heard. Everything was silent and heavenly peaceful. No more pain, no more confusion, no more anything. 

                                                    Two Hours Earlier...

James sat there at the oak wood kitchen table in his grandparents house. He had just turned fourteen years old, today was his birthday celebrated with family. James had his mothers looks, smooth, silky blond hair and light blue eyes and a well shaped nose and as his sister would say a big mouth. He was a very good looking boy, his mother always said he was blessed by god for his looks. His mothers voice dragged him out of his thoughts "James we have to leave soon it's getting dark and the roads are getting bad from this god forsaken blizzard." Yup that's right he was one of those kids who had a December birthday, meaning he got all his presents at one time which meant on Christmas day. "James, did you hear me?" his mother inquired. "Yes mother" he said smiling at her with his cute heart melting smile. He got up from the table and pushed the dark oak chair in before saying his goodbyes to family. In less than fifteen minutes they were out the door into the cold blizzardy night. Wind leapt at him like a rabid dog chained up messing up his neatly done hair . He hated it when he would spend an hour a day on his hair and something like the wind could ruin it in less than a second. His mother, father, sister, and him all entered their four door Volvo S80 after his father had wiped all the snow off of the windows. To him it felt colder inside the car than it did outside, they should have warmed it up earlier so it would have been warm when they entered. However that was not the case, they had to face the cold until the car warmed itself. "Brr it's freeeeezing.. in here." he said as his teeth chattered. "It will warm up in no time." his father reassured him. By the time they had pulled out of the driveway and had been on the road for 10 minutes the car was warm which let his mind roam free. "The roads are awful." mumbled his father. His mother agreed trying not to sound concerned. His sister was already fast asleep, she was three years older than him and more sassy than him as well. She looked peaceful sleeping though and that put a smile on his face. The blizzard was relentless, the snow came down so hard and so fast it was impossible to see the road, all he could see was whiteness. He began to worry what if they didn't make it back safe? What if they got in a car accident and there was no one there to call nine-one-one? He didn't express his concern to his parents but tried to close his eyes and sleep. Sleep was inevitable, it never came. James fear of accident became real when his father lost control of the vehicle after hitting a patch of black ice. He heard something in the distance, it sounded like the whistle of a train. It was however a whistle of a train, and they were spinning right into its tracks! The light of the train cut through the snowy down pour. His parents screamed as the car spun into its path. There was no doubt the train was going to hit them and there was nothing his father could do. The train slammed into the side of the vehicle that his mother and sister were seated, it hit like a bull. His head slammed against the window so hard the window broke. Shards of glass and metal flew around in the car like a tornado cutting into his flesh. From the force of impact the train delivered their car flew off of the tracks flipping in the air before slamming into a tree on his side of the car. The tree caved the metal of the top of the vehicle into his head, he could feel the warm blood trickle down his face. Blood caked the interior of the car, no one moved, no one screamed. The pain was so excruciating and unbearable James almost immediately lost consciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2014 ⏰

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