26 June 1984 & 18 July 1984

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Just a little more than two years later, it was time for Lily to graduate. Hogwarts had just let out the day before, and Severus was there, trying to get Harry dressed to go to her graduation ceremony.

"Make sure he wears his shoes!" Lily called from upstairs.

Severus rolled his eyes, Harry already had his shoes on. The two of them were completely ready to go, they were just waiting on Lily.

Just thn Lily walked down the stairs. She was wearing a high low white dress with lace detailing around her neck. Her gown and cap would go over the dress.

Severus stared a bit longer than he had intended, but covered it up by shaking his head and saying, "You look lovely. Are you ready to head out?"

Lily nodded then took a deep breath, "I've been ready to do this for a long time now. The two of you are ready too?"

Severus replied, "Yes, we are ready to go."

After the ceremony the three of them went out to dinner at a fancy Muggle restaurant in London.

Lily said, "Well now that I'm done with school I can start going on more interviews and get a job. I've gone on a few so far, and I'm interested in a couple, but i have to go on some more first."

Severus smiled, "Yeah take your time finding the perfect job."

Lily nodded, "Yeah I will. And you? I haven't seen you since Christmas. You're still liking teaching?"

"Yeah it's going pretty well. Most of the children are dunderheads and I really don't like most of them, but I have some time to myself, and it is preferable to other jobs I believe."

"Well that's good then," replied Lily, "I think Harry's magic is already starting to come in."

Severus laughed, "I'm sure you're learning that the hard way i'd assume?"

"Apparently he got some cookies off the highest shelf," she explained with a grin.

Harry hummed happily as if he was proud of his accomplishment. He had started to talk a bit, just a few words here and there. His doctor said he was a bit behind with his speech but not far enough where Lily should be worried, but of course she was. Harry had called Severus Dad once when the two of them together, and he had conveniently forgotten to mention it to Lily. He wasn't sure how she would react.

A month into Summer Severus was reading to Harry in his living room when Lily burt through the door grinning like a maniac.

She threw her bag on the ground and hopped onto the couch beside her child and Severus, "I got the job at Mungos!"

Severus congratulated her, "Oh Lily I'm so proud of you," he told her, "That's been your dream for a while now."

She nodded, "It's like it's meant for me. I'm going to be working with patients that have ailments that cause them to shoot off magic at random. It's perfect since I have some auror background training too. It's like this job was designed for me."

Harry smiled up at her, not quite understanding what she was saying, but happy to see his moter happy, "Mama," he said holding his arms out to be lifted up.

With Harry in her lap Lily told Severus, "We have to celebrate, do you want to go out tonight?"

Severus could never say no, "Of course."

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