Chapter 2: The Truth Comes Out

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Chapter 2: The Truth Comes Out.

 I rushed over to Andrew's house to drop off Jone and Kyle. After wards I tried to get to the hospital as fast as possible. I couldn't wait to find out who my parent's are. I paid for parking and then walked to the receptionist.

"Name" She said boringly.

"Jessica Walsh" I said excitedly.

"down the hall and first door on your right" she said pointing to the same hallway as last time.

"Thank you" I said before walking away.

I walked into the room to find Dr.O'Brien sitting at his desk looking at papers.

"hello Jessica, I have the news of who your parents are." He said looking up from his papaers and at me.

"Really!" I said A little bit to excited.

"Yes, But you might want to sit for it" he said

"Oh god, They aren't like serial killers, are they?" I asked worryingly while sitting down. He just laughed at me.

"No" He said chuckiling

"Well, then who are they?"

"Okay you can't freak out"

"Why are they, like, Charles and Dianna?" I said a little bit excited.

"No, they are Maura and Bobby Horan" He said.

"Wait like Maura and Bobby Horan, mother and father of Niall Horan from One Direction" I said almost yelling.


I screamed and then calmed down.

"Is this a prank? Am I on T.V.?" I said eyeing him

He laughed and replied.

"No you are not on T.v. You are being told that you come from a family that is famous, no joke"

I nearly died. One of Five boys from One Direction I am realated too!!!

"I have called them to inform them that you know, They want to meet you" He continued.

"Really do you have a time or a place, or maybe a number I can call?" I said

"You are gonna meet at the coffee shop about five minutes away, you know the one, right" I nodded. I knew the coffee shop, I was on First name bases with all the waitresses "You are gonna meet there in a hour" he said checking his watch

I had to change, I wasn't gonna meet my parent wearing a faded band t-shirt, ripped jeans and my converse.

"Okay thank you so much" I said getting up and shaking his hand. I couldn't wipe my smile away, I was gonna meet my birth parents!

Maybe I will get to meet Niall too!!


_________Niall's P.O.V.____________

"Honey, the year after you were born, I got pregnat agian" My mother began after sitting me down at our kitchen table.I had no clue were this was going "But you were such a handful so we couldn't handle it, and I didn't want to kill the life through abortion so I.... Gave her up for adoption"

Wait..... I had another sibling.... did she just say 'her'? I had a sister??

"Wait so I have a sister" I said clearing things up.

"Yes, Niall please don't get mad" My mother spoke

"get mad? I am happy! When can I meet her? Does Greg know?"

"We are so happy that you are not mad, and no greg does not know, but you can meet her once he knows!" My dad said


"Do you guys know her? What's she like?" I asked very excited now.

"We do not know her but we are meeting her today, We only know a few things from what the doctor said, things like were she works, her name, if she likes one direction, her reaction to the news and stuff like that" My dad explained to me

"So tell me some stuff about her, please"

"Her name is Jessica Alyson Walsh she is very excited to meet us and you, she loves the band, she screamed when she found out, She doesn't like it when people call her Jessica, She works at her own house as a dance instructor, Her Favourite colour's are Purple orange and blue" My father said.

"I have to tell the boys" I said taking out my phone. I texteed them in a group chat:

boys: Guys I got some news!!! Awesome News!! Can't wait to tell you!!! -Niall

"Alright, we should head out and to go meet her now" My mom said standing up along with my dad.

"Can I please, please, PLEASE come!" I begged

"Not today, plus don't you have band practice today" My mom said while my father grabbed the keys to my car and walked out the door.

"Mom! It's not band practice anymore! It's concert practicce" I whined.

"Alrightie then you have fun! We'll be back later today" My mom kissed my head and left.

I was only at my moms house because we were doing a concert super close to it so I decided to visit them. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed an apple, I took a bite.


Author's note:

Come on guys!! Get your votes up!!! Comment also!! How else am I gonna know how I am doin'????? Stay Awesome!!

-Camryn xoxo

Dancing In A Empty Room (A One Direction Fan Fiction) *Finished/In Editing*Where stories live. Discover now