Even in Shards

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Tap.... Tap.... Tap.... Tap....

She closes and opens her eyes, blinking through her tears, which drip quietly to the polished floors. Falling slowly and easily, having been shead many times before. This place is a haven for Blue, quiet, secluded, comfortable... familure. It always sends a gust of memories her way, it always reminds her if the things that her dear Pink has done... maybe think of the things Pink could have done had she not been... shattered. Even if it had been so long ago, a few hundred years, Blue can't help but still weep for her Pink... her little Pink Diamond.

You could say her mourning is like one of mother loosing her child's, which is quite what this pain is like.

Tap... Tap... click, click, click, click.

A clicking sound makes it way closer to the large pink door, behind Blue. Foot steps, heeled foot steps... Blue Diamond knows it's Yellow. She knows the haste and clacking of those heels, she knows what what's to come through those doors. Yellow Diamond, to scold her constant crying. Again. Blue wipes her tears, but more escape, it's hopeless. Yellow already knows.

The door slides open, revealing Yellow Diamond. Her arms are crossed behind her back, legs spread slightly, as if she's at attention, her eyes pierce Blue, but... her eye liner is smudged. Barely noticeable black lines trail down her sharp cheeks. She shows signs of having been crying, her eyes are even slightly puffy as well.

"Pearl, close the door and wait outside" Yellow says in her usual stern and powerful voice, but there's an edge to it, almost breaking. The Yellow Pearl does as commanded, Blue Pearl following suit, after Blue Diamond gave her "the look". When the Diamonds were at long last alone, Blue stands to her full height and goes to Yellow.

"Why are you here?" Blue states simply, her voice soft and broken for her years if crying. Yellow bows her head, avoiding Blue's eyes.

"I'm here to make you stop your incessant crying. It's getting you no where" Yellow counters, lying through her teeth. Blue can tell, she can almost taste the grief on Yellow, such a familure sensation, she experiences every second of her immortal exsistance.

"Yellow. Don't lie to me... you're hurting too, let it out..." Blue says soothingly, placing a gentle hand on Yellow's arm and lifting her chin to look Yellow in the eyes. Pain filled, golden eyes, meet hers. Yellow's scowl is slowly drained away. Yellow takes a breath and a few tears fall, not many, but enouph to know Yellow is comfortable in crying here. Yellow blinks rapidly, trying to get rid of the tears, but they keep coming, and more with the passing seconds. Yellow pulls away from Blue and hugs herself, turning away and crying silently to herself.

"How do you do it Blue? How can you just sit here and cry for years, how do you live every second mourning our Pink... how do you stay sane, when you feel like you're going to fall apart into a million peices..." Yellow says quietly, sniffling and crying a little bit. She's disgusted with herself, but she needs to let it out while she can. Blue timidly moves to Yellow's side, reaching to embrace her, but hesitating. After small hessitance, Blue hugs Yellow, letting Yellow tuck her neck in the crook of her neck. Blue is now crying more, silently.

"It hurts, it's terrible that we have to carry on like this since she's.... gone... but this place is a piece of her memory. Her legacy, it brings me comfort to be somewhere that Pink had held so dear..." Blue answers. Yellow holds Blue tighter, snuggling closer into her neck.

"I hate this... I miss her too Blue. I don't act like it, but I miss her more than anything. I try to stay strong for you, for Homeworld, for her memory. She wouldn't want us to cry." Yellow speaks in a near whisper, her tears calming down. Blue pulls away, still holding Yellow.

"We will always love her, and eachother... no matter what." Blue says sadly. Yellow nods, smiling slightly at Blue.

"Even in shards. I'll always love you two" Yellow replies.

"Even in shards... I will remeber you" Blue whispers, nose to nose with Yellow.

"Till shattering do us apart" Yellow speaks, her breath warming Blue's mouth.

"Until we're nothing but dust, even after that" Blue says back to Yellow smiling. In the solitude of the pink tinted room, Blue and Yellow share a kiss, arms wrapped around one another, and connected forever. Their love is strong, for each other, and their long lost child, but they will never stop loving eachother.

"Even in Shards".

Even In Shards (Bellow Diamond SU Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now