Chapter 1

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First 2 chapters were fillers and introductions. Now lets get into the story!

Gabe was playing one on one football with his closest friend DeVante who was his best friend since they were in Elementary school.

"Ayo, why you always trying to play me for money you don't have my nigga? You know I beat you every time! Since we been in middle school I've been taking your money." Devante said as he made another bucket.

"See stop, you don't beat me every time." Gabe said as he held his back drinking water.

"EVERY-TIME." DeVante said breaking his words down because it was true.

DeVante was a beast on the court, and probably could've been in the NBA by now if he didn't have obstacles standing in his way. He was the captain of the Varsity basketball team his senior year of high school and was playing Varsity his freshmen year. Basketball was his passion.

Tons of colleges wanted to recruit him, and some even gave him a full ride to their university. His only issue was he didn't want to leave his mother sick mother behind, and he definitely did not want to leave his brothers and his sisters to fend for their own in such a tough neighborhood in Boston. Basketball to him now was just another hobby.

"Check them out." DeVante said drinking his water down looking at the three girls walking down the street.

"They look too easy." Gabe peeped just from the way they were dressed.

The first girl had on a purple crop top that looked more like a bra and big ass shades with jeans that hugged her figure tightly and were distressed.

The second girl was wearing shorts that barely covered her ass cheeks that creeped out with every step she took and a tight fitted black v neck.

The third girl was wearing black leggings, and a strapless shirt. All of them were attractive just not Gabe's type. He never liked easy girls, and to him their outfits looked cheesy and played out.

"Easy is good. Nigga we not talking about wifin' them hoes but you may never know when we need them."

"I'm good on all that but do you."

"Man your boring, I need some new friends for real the kind that will talk to bitches with me. No strings attached just to bone."

Gabe chuckled, "You really want to hit that? They just don't impress me. I probably wouldn't even be able to get hard off them even if I tried."

"See what your problem is is you like them complicated stubborn females cause they act just like you."

"Cool it I'm not stubborn I just have standards. Im not just gonna fuck anybody you have to be special..different. A lady. And all women are complicated, but the ones I dealt with at least they had some class."

"I mean I guess I just feel like if they put it all out there I have to show my they coming now."

The three women walked over to Gabe and DeVante giggling and smirking at the two and Gabe didn't pay them any mind.

"What's up with y'all?" One of the girls asked, and Gabe shrugged his shoulders.

"Aint shit, wassup with y'all?" DeVante asked the girls

"Nothing much. Me and my girls just had to come over here cause we saw the way y'all was checking us out."

Gabe dry laughed taking another sip of his water looking off and letting Vante do his thing. His mind started to wonder off thinking about other things that he didn't even realize one of the girls was trying to talk to him.

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